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Healing    Posted: February 1, 2009 Reply with quote

Hi. Does anyone have any information on how sacred sex here can help heal people from internet addiction and connect to their true sexualness.

I have found myself drawn into internet sites for gratification that leave me empty and unfulfilled, yet they are highly addictive. I would love to learn sexual respect, self control and true experience of my sexuality and maybe talk to those who have had a similar experience.

thank you.
Gary Joseph
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healing sexual obsession    Posted: February 1, 2009 Reply with quote

I plan to devote an entire lesson to sexual issues that arise in the absence of true sexual ecstasy - including obsession/addiction issues - but haven't gotten to it yet. For future reference, it will be posted here.

In the meantime, a few basic comments & suggestions:

First, sacred sex naturally heals addictive behavior because it fills the void that addiction seeks to fill. The reason you feel empty even after viewing the sites is that they don't genuinely satisfy your desire -- I think you realize that, and that's why you're writing. The more you learn about and practice sacred sex, the more that inner craving gets filled, and the more the obsession naturally falls away. So I would suggest starting with the Sacred Sex Lessons and enjoying better sexual experiences.

As for gaining a new appreciation of and better attitude toward sex, just learning what sacred sex is and what it can do for you helps with that. All the information on this site cultivates that, especially the lessons in Finding the Sacred in Sex.

One thing you should know is that sacred sex doesn't judge or condemn sexual behavior in any form. You say you want to gain 'self control', which suggests that you might be negatively judging your actions in some way, either consciously or subconsciously. Sacred sex leaves the moralizing aside and takes the straightforward view mentioned above -- that your obsession is there simply because of a sexual void. Fill the void and the obsession goes.

In fact, what I teach is to use your obsession to your advantage. You can practice sacred sex - using the lessons on this site - in virutally any sexual activity you want, alone or with a partner. You don't mention whether you have a partner. If you do, practice sacred sex together and you'll find your obsession fading away. But if you don't have a partner, you can practice sacred sex - particularly Lesson 4 - Sacred Sexercise while browsing your internet sites. I promise, you'll have a very different sexual experience, the opposite of leaving you empty and unfulfilled. In the lesson forum, there is an entire lesson devoted to so-called 'obstacles' - including lust - that show how to use them to your advantage.

(In case you don't have a partner but would like one, here's a tip for finding one: find some friend or new acquaintance on a dating site, strike up a conversation and ask if they know anything about sacred sex. Typically they don't, so mention your new interest and maybe tell them about this site. You'll find many women - I assume you're male - are unsatisfied with their current sex lives, and their male lovers, and are seeking something more in sex. Sacred sex is closely akin to natural female sexuality, so it commonly resonates with them. If your friend takes an interest in both you and sacred sex, mention that you'd like to find someone to practice with. See where it goes.)

Hope that helps.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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