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The World as Food
The Aphrodisiac Diet - you are what you eat

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Gary Joseph
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The World as Food    Posted: November 27, 2004 Reply with quote

This Forum is under construction -- content will be added as time permits. We invite you to post messages related to the Topic, and to comment on posts by others below.

For a full list of completed Topics, click here.

This Topic will teach:

A sensuous look at objects of desire as food, and what it means to sex. Includes sacred sex aphrodisiacs and the spiritual meaning behind them.

Plus, a humorous survey of delicious food names we call our lovers.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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Perfect food    Posted: September 16, 2005 Reply with quote

I apologise in advance if what I am about to say deeply offends anyone!
Another way in which sacred sexual lovers can deepen their intimate connection and enhance their health is to eat their lover"s ejaculate and juices. Semen cotains high concentrations of magnesium .calcium and zinc which are vital for female health. Women's ejaculate contains high concentrations of copper which is vital male health . Additionally and equally beneficial they contain your lover's essence which allows you to connect with your lover in a powerfully fundamental and physical way wink

To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
Gary Joseph
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Sex as Food    Posted: September 18, 2005 Reply with quote

In an age where food producers are required by law to list the vitamin & mineral content in what we eat, those are valuable points, Russ.

Food value isn't all that's in our sexual excretions -- both male & female ejaculate make very nourishing skin creams when applied externally. wink

Of course, the Society for Sacred Sexuality encourages conservation of the male seed, but for those occasions when it does occur, your points are right on, Russ. Honor its value within, and without.

For those who don't care for these particular culinary delicacies, the solution is simple -- select something else from the menu. Sacred sex begins & ends with desire: if you don't like/want something, there is no requirement to partake of it -- just as there's no prohibition against it.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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Conserving male seed    Posted: September 18, 2005 Reply with quote

I understand the idea of preserving health and vigor through limited ejaculation. I see this caution as applying more to disconnected sex than to connected sacred sex. When connection is made during sex it is my expereience that ejaculation is never a loss of energy but rather a mutual transference, blending and amplification of energy. By it's very nature connected sex is sacred and energy is mutually transfered, blended and amplified in shared ejacultion not diminished as in disconnected sex. The ultimate manifestation of this is sacred union in all the essences of our and our lover's being.
To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
Gary Joseph
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Conserving & Sharing Energy    Posted: September 19, 2005 Reply with quote

You're absolutely right about that, Russ.

I suggest that people go by their own experience (as you clearly do, Russ). If you feel energized and vitalized by transfering energy in this way during sacred sex, then by all means enjoy it. If your energy sharing is not so complete, and you feel depleted by it, then have sacred sex with the intention of conserving your seed/energy. (Note this applies mainly to men; see Lesson 4 in the Sacred Sex Lesson Forum for more.)

Remember that this is an intention, not some rigid prohibition to get all bent out of shape & guilt-ridden about. Also, losing your energy after an hour of sacred sex, or after a week of daily sacred sex, is NOT the same as losing it after 3 minutes of typical common sex. Sacred sex gives your body time to circulate energy for extended periods even if it does ultimately disperse. That still brings benefit, one of which is that when you do release, you're more likely to experience the energized transfer that Russ is referring to.

A final point is that with practice, proficiency grows. That is, you'll get better results from the same intention over time. So just have the intention to conserve your energy (unless you're in the category that Russ mentioned), do your practice as taught in the lessons, and let go and enjoy sacred sex. It is more important to be open, allowing your energy to flow as it desires to flow -- that is what lets it build and carry you to ecstatic heights.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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Foods for Sexual Health    Posted: October 14, 2005 Reply with quote

What foods, besides seminal fluid do you suggest for females to help them feel healthy and erotic, especially when they are going through menapause?... I don't seem to crave chocolate as much as I used to...
To be able to love others, one must first learn how to love oneself.
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Foods for sexual Health    Posted: October 18, 2005 Reply with quote

Lots of fruit and veggie juices especially carrot juice from California carrots. Chamomile tea is a great relaxer- Peter Rabbit often drank it after run ins with Farmer Brown. Check on herbs for relaxation and menopause:don quai, black and blue cohosh etc a good health food store can help you with herb complexes and homeopathics for menopause. There are several some more benficial than others. If you can find someone knowledgable in muscle testing they can test to see which one is best for you. Hopefully there is someone in your area : a naturopath or herbalist who is knowledgable and non dogmatic. A highly assimilable liquid calcium magnesium is very good also and much cheaper than tablets.
Sex is the best relaxer bar none Sita: self pleasuring as well oral pleasuring from your partner without the expectation of return by you or needing to "go further" although you may very well want to once you are relaxed.
Sensual massage is an excellent endorphin releaser also. See if you can find a competent and ethical therapist in your area. Interview several and follow your intuition in choosing should you decide to include this in your menopause treatment program.
Focused breath work is also a fantastic calmer and relaxer. There are many video and dvd presentations.
Anything that enhances your overall health will also enhance your sexual health and vice versa.
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To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
Gary Joseph
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Foods for Sexual Health    Posted: October 21, 2005 Reply with quote

The main teaching of this Forum Topic is that experience is food. We 'eat' the world around us through all our senses -- hearing, sight, touch, and smell, along with the one we commonly think of: taste. From that perspective, the most important 'food' we can eat for sexual health - and general health - is the experience of bliss, joy, satisfaction, and happiness. It's becoming well known that positive experiences such as these create biochemicals that literally feed & nourish the body, greatly promoting health (with no calories!).

This is why sacred sex, and specifically the experience of sacred orgasm, is so vital to health -- it's literally the best food you can eat. It is not only joyful & ecstatic, but also spiritual. The inner experience of sacred union feeds the body in a much deeper, more satisfying way than common food. It satisfies the soul. This keeps you feeling vital and healthy because your life energy is being fed at the deepest level. Naturally, that includes feeling sensual, sexy, and erotic, because your life energy is your sex energy.

Of course, common food has its value here too. Typically, the foods that support sexual health and vitality are those that are rich and unctuous -- dates, figs, nuts (especially cashews & almonds), milk/cream, and the like are good examples, and are often included when food is made a part of the sacred sex experience. Fruits and sweets in general also add a sensual feel. Visit the Sacred Sex Foods Forum for more suggestions.

For more potent ways to eat your way to sexual health, there are various herbs, as Russ suggests. Check out the Sacred Sex Herbs Forum for info on that. Regarding menopause in particular, the ayurvedic herbs banyan, myrrh, and bael tree are beneficial, as are the common foods mango and licorice. I'll be researching this more; watch for posts in the Golden Transition Forum.

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Increasing my libido    Posted: January 26, 2007 Reply with quote

I rarely feel my sexual energy. Once in a while it feels intense and wonderful but most of the time, I do not even think about sex. I am hoping this is temporary...(although I've pretty much always been this way) and I am looking to increase my libido, to experience my sensuality and to feel sexy for myself and for my partner. Any suggestions?
Gary Joseph
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increasing libido    Posted: January 26, 2007 Reply with quote

First, I suggest you do sacred sexercise as taught in Lesson 4. That arouses/increases your sexual energy regardless of everything else. You don't even have to be having sex to do it. Sexercise also makes you more attractive to your partner, and stimulates your desire for them.

Beyond that, advice depends on your situation. Below are some of the factors that can affect your libido, based on what you said:

Since you've been this way pretty much your whole life, is there anything in your background or upbringing that may be inhibiting your desire? If you need healing, try the Sexual Healing Forum. If family or religious upbringing is inhibiting desire, see the following:

Sacred Desire - explains that desire is sacred, not sinful
Myth of Evil - dispels the 'sex is sinful' myth
Declaration of Sexual Independence - declare your sexual freedom

Are you otherwise happy in your life? Sex energy is directly tied to your life energy (in fact, they're one and the same). Problems and stress in general life dampen your sex energy too. A common source of this is career/job dissatisfaction. If this is an issue, consider a professional change; see Your Life Work. If it's something else, ask yourself what you WANT in life, and start working toward it. Desire is the foundation for sex -- follow it. See Sacred Desire and Follow Your Heart.

If the above don't apply, it may just be your nature. Different people are born with different libido levels -- it's not a 'problem', just a condition to accept and work with. If it's an issue with your partner, talk with your lover about ways to arouse your passion -- then do it.

You can also try dietary or herbal aphrodisiacs, though you'll see limited results if one of the above issues is blocking your energy. Licorice, lovage, rose petal, saffron, sweet potato, squash seeds, and ylang ylang are especially helpful for women.

Last, don't be so convinced that you're not sexual. Just the fact that you're on this website and asking questions about increasing your libido shows that you have a healthy sexual desire. What you may really be asking is how to express it. One way to follow up on this is to explore the details of your sexual desire. Do you have sexual desires that have gone unfulfilled? What turns you on? Explore your fantasies and/or fetishes. Getting into the juicy details of your desire awakens and strengthens it.

Let me know if any of these help.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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