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Experiences evoked by special circumstance

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Gary Joseph
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Experiences evoked by special circumstance    Posted: January 8, 2005 Reply with quote

Share experiences you've had in sacred sex that were evoked by a special circumstance.

Include what the situation was, what it was about it that evoked the experience, and what your experience was.
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Vacation sex    Posted: April 9, 2005 Reply with quote

Have you noticed that when you are on vacation your sex is more animated, fresher, more intense and immediate? Why is this ? here are my thoughts .
When you go on vacation you leave the details of your everyday life behind{ the enjoyment of a vacation is in direct proportion to your ability to "let go of the details of your every day life" and have fun}. Do the details go away? NO! we just drop them! So there is "space" for fun and pleasure , relaxing , doing new and different things PLAYING! WHERE BEFORE IT WAS FILLED WITH BUSYNESS. So, we are "freed up " inside as well as outside and our enjoyment is deeper, more satisfying.
I encourage everyone to create this "vacation sex" space in your everyday lives. Consciously DROP THE DETAILS and just play. Just as with "time away" you ease into it. The more you do it the smoother your transitions in and out of this Vacation Sex Space will become.
Chew on this folks, try it out, and see what happens. Assumption , comprehension , realization= KNOWING and BEING

To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
Gary Joseph
SSS Founder

Joined: 16 Jun 2004
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vacation sex    Posted: July 27, 2006 Reply with quote

russ said:
When you go on vacation you leave the details of your everyday life behind...

I think that's a very true observation, Russ. In different terms, you're taking a vacation from your usual karma. Your vacation will have its own karma, but it will be a fresh experience compared to the routine of your usual karma. Whenever the nervous system is exposed to a new experience - whether on vacation as you've described, with a new lover for the first time, or even young kids who are 'new' on earth and always asking questions & exploring - it is always more alert and open to heightened experience.

It's a good point to remember for those whose relationship seems to have lost its spark. Try something different. It doesn't have to be a $5K vacation -- try new sexy clothes, making love somewhere new in your home or outdoors, new sexual positions, role playing, fantasy fulfillment, a romantic meal or bath together, or any other new thing you can think of.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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