Whole Truth / half-truths
Moralists, religionists, new agers, etc. ONLY
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8. Whole Truth / half-truths Posted: October 26, 2004 |
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This Topic will teach:
So you think you're spiritual, huh? You have religious followings, TV shows, you write books, and lead workshops. Take this spiritual test and find out if you're the real deal or just a bunch of hooey.
Followers beware! Is your teacher or leader wasting your time (and money). Worse, are you being lead like a sheep in the WRONG direction? Find out why so many moralists wind up drowned in sex scandals. There is true moralism & false moralism -- know the difference.
russ Active User
Joined: 25 Dec 2004 Posts: 159 Location: Indianapolis
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moralists, religionists . new agers Posted: March 26, 2005 |
This is such a RICH field to uproot. The time has come for people to
take the bull by the horns and get rid of the posing, posturing charlatans
who are THICK in sacred sexuality and spiritual circles.
Sacred sexuality is not an end in itself but rather a gateway to the Divine. As such it is a dynamic reality not a static state.
Both nothing and everything is sacred. When we understand that all of life and being is both sacred and profane then sexuality, as well as everything else, is NATURALLY sacred with the play and freedom of the profane. Being relaxed in the presence of the Divine is the NORM for man not the exception. It is only exceptional because we prefer the "distance"
of strangers to the intimacy of lovers and friends which "embodies" Divinity. _________________ To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu |
Re: moralists, religionists, new agers, etc. Posted: April 7, 2005 |
russ said: |
When we understand that all of life and being is both sacred and profane then sexuality, as well as everything else, is NATURALLY sacred with the play and freedom of the profane. |
Well said.
Everything is created by and of God, and is therefore sacred...no matter how seemingly profane.
It's vital for religious & spiritual teachers to know this, so they don't get trapped in the misconception that things that God Himself has created are 'sinful' and have no value in creation. _________________ Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it. |
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