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Sexual Endowment
Size - does it REALLY matter?

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Gary Joseph
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Sexual Endowment    Posted: November 28, 2004 Reply with quote

Size matters in sacred sex.

Not the size of your organ, the size of your orgasm.

Sacred sex orgasm is unbounded ecstasy that transcends all space and time. Individuality ceases to exist; you become universal -- Pure Ecstasy in Ecstasy. You merge in Sacred Union with Creation. Ecstasy is infinite. Sacred sex leads to orgasm of this 'size'. (For a complete description of this experience, see the Sacred Union Forum.)

This is how sacred sex transforms perhaps the biggest obsession - and phobia - of sex into a non-issue. When you are in a state of perfect ecstasy, the size of the sex organs involved matters none. If you are not in that state, your one desire is to get there, not for larger sex organs.

This applies both to male penis size and female breast size, both of which have become sexual fixations. The only thing larger than the size we often desire for these is the epidemic proportion to which our infatuation with them has grown.

The reason for this rapidly spreading sexual dis-ease - and the solution to it - is simple.

We are obsessed with physical endowment because common sex is mainly a physical act. Sacred sex ends the fixation by transforming sex into a spiritual act, merely induced by the body. The body and its endowment are vehicles - means to a different end - not an end in themselves.

Common sex is mainly physical, so physical traits seem all-important. We're concerned with how he/she looks, their sexiness, how well endowed they are, etc. In sacred sex, the main desire is deep, prolonged orgasmic ecstasy. Sexual orgasm is a wave that you surf for a long ride. What's most important therefore is surfing the best and lasting the longest. Physical traits, including size, are less important.

In sacred sex, its more important how you use your body than how it looks.

Sex, like life, is holistic. When we tend to all spheres of life - spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, material, sensual - we remain balanced and healthy. When sex is both spiritual and physical, emotional and sensual, we have a balanced, healthy sex life. If not, sex becomes one-sided, and we get stuck in a limited perception of it. Such is our preoccupation with physical endowment.

Our craving for super-sized organs breeds unhealthy consequences on all levels:

Spiritual - it further overshadows the true purpose of sex, which is to bring spiritual ecstasy; we can't see past our organs.

Mental - we have a false understanding of sex, that it is for physical pleasure alone, not spiritual and physical fulfillment both.

Emotional - it leaves us never satisfied with our own bodies, and/or our partner's; this creates esteem issues that shut down the heart to love.

Physical - it drives people to any length to look a certain way, including cosmetic 'fixes' that damage the body.

This mania particularly affects women. Many women face esteem issues over the size of their main 'sex organ' -- their entire body. In contrast to specific sex organs, society's obsession with this one is that it be small. In addition, breast size, which with clothes on is more readily visible than male penis size, also commonly lowers esteem.

Physical makeovers cause more concrete harm. Silicone breast implants for example, often cause significant health problems.


The idea that larger sex organs will bring you the ultimate sexual pleasure or satisfy all your sexual desires is a myth.

On a purely physical level, certain sized sex organs may indeed bring more pleasure, either real or fantasized. For women, larger penis size may bring real pleasure through greater vaginal stimulation. For men, larger breasts may satisfy some inner fantasy and heighten their sexual response. But even on a physical level, most people admit that it's more important how you use the organ than its size.

This though, is not the whole story. The real issue is that we tend to idealize the organ size in question. We believe that a lover with certain endowments will fully satisfy us, raising us to the peak of ecstasy. But as everyone knows, any physical sex with a well-endowed lover, no matter how good, doesn't fully satisfy our sexual desire. If nothing else, the next day we're hungry for more. The desire is not permanently satisfied.

Only an infinite orgasm is all-satisfying. Only Sacred Union made permanent - eternal Ecstasy in Ecstasy - fully satisfies all desire. Then you enjoy sex from a state of fulfillment, not one of need, craving, and obsession. Sex is much more rewarding that way, and independent of the size of your lover's organ. (For more on Sacred Union made permanent, see Sexual Enlightenment.)

All this does not mean that sacred sex ignores organ size. Sacred sex appreciates and honors all of life -- spiritual and physical. Sacred sex teaches that we should care for our bodies and beautify them as desired. Sacred sex also accepts your desire for certain physical qualities and endowment of your partner.

But by making Sacred Union the primary aim of sex, sacred sex keeps physical traits in perspective. They remain healthy desires, not unhealthy obsessions. Physicality is one part of sex, along with spirituality. It is important, but not all-important -- not even the most important.

Sacred sex raises us above seeing people as mere sex objects. Sacred sex appreciates the 'sex object' in you, but sees you as more than that too.


Ironically, removing our obsession with sexual endowment leads to acceptance, not condemnation, of looking upon others' bodies for pleasure. In today's society, this natural desire and act is unfortunately met by the adult industry, which too often only perpetuates the idea of dirty sex. Those who enjoy the products and services of this industry, labeled 'pornography' by society, are silently scorned. Those in relationship especially, who indulge in the beauty of human form outside that relationship, are somehow seen as dishonoring or 'cheating' on their partner.

If someone outside our relationship has a quality that attracts us, why should appreciating that quality harm our relationship? We innocently do it in every sphere of life, but when it comes to appreciating the human form and sexuality, there is a different standard. We go to business conventions to meet entrepreneurs, art shows to see artists and their work, concerts to laud musicians, sporting events to cheer athletes. We do all these because we appreciate the value of various human qualities. These different values enrich our lives. Even if our partner doesn't possess the quality, appreciating it in others in no way threatens our relationship.

But our obsession with beauty and sexuality - one's overall sexual 'endowment' - makes us so jealous of others and over-protective of our own, that we disallow our lover to enjoy that pleasure.

When we choose a partner for relationship, we choose them for all their qualities. Their overall nature suits us best and is most compatible with us. That doesn't mean that your partner is perfect, nor necessarily that they are ideal for you in every way. But on the whole, they are the best match for you. If another person happens to satisfy one quality better, that does not jeopardize your relationship. If that quality happens to be beauty or sexuality, enjoying that one quality need not threaten your relationship either. Like any work of art, you enjoy its appeal, which doesn't match the total appeal of your lover.

Sacred sex makes physical appeal just another of the many traits that attracts us to each other. It means we don't obsess about it, nor do we deny ourselves it. We also don't pass that obsession on to our lover, lowering their self-esteem, nor do we deny them the pleasure of enjoying it in others, if desired.


With that balanced perspective, here are some points to ponder about organ size. We'll start with the male organ, since penis size is the 'traditional' sex issue, and more directly impacts sexual intercourse.

Facts & Phallus-ies About Penis Size

First, some perceptions and realities to show just how deeply our obsession affects us, and the absurdity of it all.

According to surveys, most men think average penis length is 6-8 inches. There may be several reasons for this, all of which are inaccurate:
  1. locker room views of flaccid organs larger than one's own -- fact: the larger the flaccid state, the less increase in erect measure;
  2. pornographic images -- fact: these are not 'average' specimens (duh!);
  3. foreshortening illusion -- when you look down at your penis, it appears shorter than it is;
  4. general inadequacy -- whatever size you are, others must be 'bigger'.
The truth is that the average erect penis size is 5.5-6.5 inches. Not surprisingly, women, with no need to feel they measure up in this area, more accurately guess average penis size.

Surveys of organ satisfaction show the same misconceptions and unrealistic expectations.

A survey by sexologists found that many men who believed their penis was inadequate were actually average-sized. One internet survey of over 3,000 respondents gave more precise numbers. Less than 50% of men with average size organs are content with that size. More striking, only 70% of well-endowed men are satisfied.

Penile fantasies were not much different. A UCLA study revealed that 45% of men said they would prefer a larger penis, even though 84% of them rated their penis size as average or larger. The perception that it's for their partner proves false too. Another survey showed that 85% of women are "very satisfied" with their partner's endowment. Only 6% of women considered their partner smaller than average. Judging by the other statistics, nearly every man considers himself among that rare 6%.

For all men who dream of having an 8+ inch organ, a Kinsey study found that less than 2% of men measure up to that.

But maybe the most important point about penis size has nothing to do with the male anatomy at all, but rather the female one. The average vagina length is about 4 inches, expanding to about 6 inches when aroused. Surprise! That's exactly the average penis length.

There is an even bigger factor regarding her sexual pleasure: the vast majority of nerve endings are in the first two inches of the vagina, meaning the average penis (and even the sub-average one) is more than 'adequate' to satisfy her. It is likely that women who 'need' a big penis for satisfaction have a psychological need, not a physical one.

If none of the above satisfies men as to the size of their manhood, the following may: the penis is actually twice as long as you think it is. It's just that half of it is inside. The illustration to the right shows the full length of the male organ.

As you can see, the shaft of the penis reaches all the way back to the perineum, the area between the scrotum and anus. All of this is erectile tissue. When hard, you can even feel the penis at the perineum. This fascinating anatomical fact gives you two erogenous zones - one outer & one inner - the latter of which induces male G-Spot orgasm. For more on your inner & outer erogenous zones, see Sacred Sex Stimulation.

So the next time someone asks you how big you are, or how big your man is if you're a woman, tell them the truth: "10-12 inches, about average."

Double-Breasted Standards

The picture for women isn't much different, except that she has 'twins' on her mind. Like the male organ, there's a double standard for female breast size -- she holds her body to a higher standard than others do. But make no mistake, society breeds and feeds that split standard.

The UCLA study that showed half of men wishing for a larger penis despite already being average or larger found the same pattern in women. Another survey of 50,000 Americans found that 70% of women wanted more ample or rounder breasts, even though the majority of men said they are perfectly happy with their partner's breast size. An MSNBC poll showed the number of satisfied men to be 71%.

More surprising perhaps is the view of 'ideal' breast size. In one Internet survey, the largest percentage of men (34%) desired average size breasts (C cup). Only 1/3 of men desired breasts larger than C. Nearly as many desired breasts smaller than average. A UK poll found an even greater number preferring women with average size breasts -- 53%. The MSNBC poll reported that a full 28% of men said they don't even care about female breast size.

There is even a significant group of men for whom small breasts are a fetish. The popularity of 'teen' pornography sites is but one expression of this. (There are similar fetishes - and websites - for 'fat', 'old', 'ugly', and just about every other excuse we use to think less of ourselves.)

So, even though many women feel inadequate, society as a whole judges them quite adequate. Those who love them view them better still. (For a full discussion of body esteem issues, see Healthy Self-Esteem.)

Like everything, there are different strokes for different folks. Some men like average breasts, some like big ones, some like them small, and some don't care. Surprise again -- the percent of women having each cup size is about the same as the percent of men desiring it.

Despite all this, the number of women seeking breast enlargement has been growing steadily for years. Well over 1/4 million women each year now get breast implants. In one poll, 55% of women said they would consider them.

This again contradicts the male perception. One poll found that between 75-90% of men (depending on ethnicity) prefer natural breasts to implants. A more detailed survey showed 65% of men want either natural breasts or whatever makes their partner happy. Only 8% chose implanted breasts first.


From all the above, you might think that sacred sex opposes organ enhancement, but it does not. Sacred sex simply gives you something more - Sacred Union - so that you need not obsess over it. It also shows that various body types and sizes are natural to life, and that each type and size is desired by various partners.

This lets you see organ enhancement in a balanced light, make a balanced choice whether to pursue it, and choose a healthy, balanced method if you do.

Sacred sex advocates organ enhancement based on personal choice, not need due to feelings of inadequacy.

Sacred sex raises self-esteem by making you feel better about yourself. Sacred Union is a holistic experience that brings pleasure and ecstasy, rejuvenates and revitalizes you, and uplifts your spirit. This promotes a sense of physical adequacy. Sacred sex also encourages men and women to promote body esteem in other ways. By far, the best, simplest, and most highly recommended way is to beautify yourself. If you want to enhance your sex organs, consider sensually adorning them as an alternative. See the Art of Body Decoration for more.

At the same time, sacred sex accepts the appeal of specific physical endowments for you and your partner. It may be that certain sized organs simply turn you on. Above all, sacred sex honors your sexual desire, whatever it may be, as the vehicle that carries you to Sacred Union. Therefore, if you have the desire to enhance your sexual organs, sacred sex supports your quest. (For a full explanation of the vital role of desire in sacred sex, see Sacred Desire.)

With that in mind, following is a brief - not obsessive - overview of enhancement methods. Note there is much debate as to the effectiveness and safety of some methods. If you are considering a method, investigate it fully before proceeding. The Society for Sacred Sexuality does not endorse particular products or services. If you have tried some method, we invite you to post your experiences, good or bad, for others to view.

Lingam Enlargement

We'll begin with some traditional sacred sex methods addressing the size of the male organ, which we'll now call by its sacred sex name, 'lingam'.

Sacred Sexercise:

First, let's point out the effect of sacred sex itself on lingam size. Sexercise, a basic technique taught in Sacred Sex Lesson 4, constricts the pelvic muscles, pressing blood into the lingam and enlarging it. This visible swelling can be felt by women during intercourse. In time with regular practice, it can even result in slight permanent enlargement. Sexercise also has the effect of making your erection 'rock hard' (again due to blood engorgement), which adds to the perception of size felt by women during sex.

Best of all, sexercise is fun, easy, 100% natural, side-effect free, is done during sex (i.e. takes no extra time), and induces sacred sex orgasm (Sacred Union). Men should do this basic sacred sex practice with or without other enlargement methods.

Here we should also mention sexercise for women. This induces the same Sacred Union experience for her, but is significant here for its impact on the lingam size issue. Female sexercise strengthens the vaginal muscles, allowing her to squeeze her man's organ as tight as she pleases. This not only eliminates any possibility of him being too small, but also increases her stimulation - and pleasure - by snugly enveloping his member.

In the Orient, where female sexercise is more widely known, there are many stories of amazing exploits of women with highly functioning love muscles. One of the most basic is the ability to clamp down so tight that your man can't slide out. (This is useful for preventing your man from abandoning you after sex!)

Sex Positions:

Another simple way to make the lingam feel bigger is to enjoy sex positions that shorten and/or tighten the yoni (vagina). Bending her legs at the waist shortens her, while keeping her legs together tightens her. Some positions taught in Sacred Sex Lesson 3 that do one or both of these are: Love Seat, Sacred Snakes, Sacred Spoons, and Love Swing.

Ancient Remedies:

Some of the sex manuals of the East give various herbal and other recipes to either enlarge the lingam or contract the yoni. While some of these are obscure or even bizarre, others are doable and may work (or are at worst harmless). The following sections from The Perfumed Garden, a 16th century Arabic text, are some of the more practical:Note these methods are temporary; apply before sex as desired. The lingam enlargement here is likely due to the effect of the herbs opening the capillaries and/or erectile tissue cells to allow more blood flow; it is therefore a modest gain (including in hardness), similar to Sexercise.

Ancient Methods:

The most widely known 'natural' method of penis enlargement is called 'jelqing', claimed to be of Arabic origin (allegedly meaning 'milking').

Jelqing is a fairly simple exercise in which you encircle the semi-erect lingam at its base with the thumb and index finger in an 'OK' sign, and slide your hand to the head of the lingam, pressing blood into the shaft and glans. Repeated jelqing is said to expand the erectile cavities of the lingam in the same way that exercise expands muscle by tearing down and rebuilding.

While there may be truth to this, the 'penis enlargement' industry that promotes it is so rife with fraud that claims must be viewed with skepticism.

Jelqing is claimed by promoters to be supported by research done by Dr. Brian Richards, published by the British Journal of Sexual Medicine in the late 1970's. However, their non-response to a verification inquiry suggests that this may be fabricated.

At the very least, jelqing should not be done without full understanding of the technique. In particular, excessive pressure or force should not be used, and a warm-up and tone-down with a warm wet washcloth should precede and follow the exercise. Risks from incorrect or excessive practice are burst blood vessels, nerve & muscle damage, and various sexual dysfunctions, including premature ejaculation without erection, impotence, and erectile dysfunction.

Hanging is another old method, relying on modest weights attached to the lingam for a set period to stretch the tissue. Hanging is said to have its origins in Africa. (Oriental Taoist traditions exist as well.)

Again, there may be some truth to this method. The elasticity of the human body is clearly evident -- witness the tribal customs of stretching the earlobes to great lengths with weighty earrings, and even stretching the neck by increasing numbers of rings. However, hanging can carry serious risks not unlike jelqing. It is less known and understood, and therefore less recommended than jelqing.

Lingam rings:

Commonly called a 'cock ring', this O-shaped accessory, worn around the base of the lingam, is a low-tech way to prevent blood from leaving the erect organ. It thereby maintains, and may slightly increase the size of, the erection. It may also harden the erection. It can be made of various materials, including rubber, silicone, metal, or leather. A simple lingam ring can be made from a rubber O-ring gasket found at any hardware store, in various sizes.

NOTE: lingam rings should neither be too tight, nor worn for too long continuously (over 30 min.), as they can cause nerve and/or circulatory damage to the lingam.

Note also that while lingam rings produce some of the same enlarging effects as Sexercise, they do not induce sacred sex orgasm (Sacred Union); they are only a physical enhancement, not a spiritual one too.

Modern Methods:

The newest methods, mainly developed by the above-mentioned penis enhancement industry, are the least recommended of all. The three main ones are:

Topical Creams - this is the best of the lot, and if done right, can produce similar results to the 'ancient remedies' listed above, and by the same means. Unfortunately, little expertise is had in the field, leading to useless products at best, and unhealthy ones at worst. Many are chemical laden and can promote sterility and/or cancer by absorption through the skin. If you experiment with these, stick to ancient formulas using natural herbs.

Penis Pills - these are typically ineffective, with the best ones being mere libido enhancers. One of the strongest points against them is how an orally ingested formula can specifically target the penis. While organ targeting is possible, it's highly doubtful that creators of these products have the herbal or medical expertise to pull it off. These products also often have harmful contaminants due to scant quality control, regulation, and testing. This is one of the main scam areas in the industry (see this MSNBC report).

Penis Pumps - these are less popular today than a decade or two ago, and for good reason: they are dangerous to use. Pumps use suction to increase blood pressure in the penis, with an aim to expand the erectile tissue. However, it is much easier to achieve permanent damage than enlargement. Excessive pressure causes vascular damage and can also result in nerve damage. Other risks include chronic pain and physical injury.

Penis pumps are only recommended for medical use in cases of erectile dysfunction, and then only under doctor's supervision and not for penile enlargement.

One last method merits mention only to indicate it is NOT recommended under any circumstance. That is silicone injection, which can cause loss of sensation, inability to sexually perform, and deformation of the penis. Collagen injection should be viewed suspiciously, and fully investigated.

Modern man isn't alone in seeking any means to enlarge the lingam. Only today, financial incentive inspires easy Internet scams. Without such profit motive behind this ancient Kama Sutra method, one wonders if there is value in it; we don't want to find out: 'suka'.

Breast Enlargement

The field for breast augmentation is thankfully less extensive than its male counterpart, but not entirely better in quality. There is only one known ancient method, indicating that our ancestors did not share our obsession with breast size. There is also one main modern method -- implants. We'll begin with the traditional approach.

Ancient Method:

Deer Exercise - this comes from the Oriental Taoist tradition, and is actually an off-shoot of the main form of this exercise. That use involves massaging the breasts in a circular motion to reduce or even halt blood flow during menstruation. (Its purpose is to preserve the vital energy lost with the blood; see the Moon Cycle Forum for more on this.) One effect of this exercise is to slightly reduce the size of the breasts; if nothing else, it eliminates the common swelling of the breasts that accompanies the monthly period.

The breast enlargement method massages in the opposite direction. Start with both hands at the center of the chest, between your breasts. Massage down the inside of the breasts, then out along the bottoms, up the outsides, and in at the top. Repeat the circle 50-100 times, once or twice a day. Use medium pressure, and avoid the nipples.

While you may not think this would work, you can actually feel its effects. Try massaging a minute or so opposite the direction given above (i.e. breast reduction); stop and note how your breasts feel (you likely won't notice much). Then massage for a minute as instructed above for breast enlargement. When you stop, you should feel a tingling enlivenment - a 'perkiness' - in your breasts, especially outside near the armpits. Your breasts will feel more 'toned'. (Men can even feel the effect on their own breasts, though we don't recommend it except for budding transsexuals.)

Deer exercise will produce some effect, but it will be modest -- likely up to one cup size. Note that results build slowly in time; regular practice is needed.

Modern Methods:

The main method here is breast implant surgery. While this can obviously produce dramatic results, it has down-sides and carries well-known risks.

These include changes in nipple and breast sensitivity, fluid collection, visible wrinkling, asymmetric appearance, thinning or necrosis (death) of the breast tissue, infection, chronic pain, and interference with breast feeding, to name a few. Leakage of silicone implants is likely toxic, and may lead to systemic illness and disease, including neurological and immune disorders.

The main problem with implants is that very few last a lifetime without rupture, leakage, or some other problem. 10 years of satisfaction is not likely worth 50 of something less. The FDA found that most implant patients have at least one serious complication within three years after getting their silicone or saline implants. Many breast augmentation patients need additional surgery within 5 years of getting their implants. By 10-12 years, the percentage shifts from many to most.

Here's an interesting statistic that sheds light on this: in 2002, there were some 240,000 breast implant surgeries; that same year, there were 43,500 surgeries to remove implants. That's nearly 1 in 5 women who wanted/needed an un-boob job.

If you're considering implants, investigate fully, and just as important, find a competent, experienced surgeon.

Wikipedia has an overview of breast implant surgery. Other informational sites:

The following site has forum discussion about implants, and a survey of women who have received them:

Though the FDA approved them for the first time in 2006, the Society for Sacred Sexuality does not recommend silicone breast implants for health reasons. We also encourage the medical community to develop more natural solutions. Relocation of current fat tissue in the client's body may be one option.

If you do opt for saline implants, use vitamin E or oils (almond and olive are good) to reduce scarring. Vitamin E can likely be applied right away; oils may need to wait until incisions heal -- ask your doctor.

There are three other modern methods, similar in action - and likely result - to penis enlargement methods. They are:

Topical Creams - these are largely ineffective (less even than penis formulas), and unhealthy if filled with artificial ingredients.

Breast Pill Supplements - the only advantage of these over their male counterparts is the presence of phytoestrogens (plant-based compounds that act like estrogen in the body). Estrogen is known to increase breast tissue; it triggers breast growth at puberty.

However, extreme care should be taken in changing natural hormone levels. Among other things, excess estrogen may be linked to cancer (though it is unclear whether phytoestrogens have the same effect). If your estrogen level is low, you might consider this method; use with doctor approval and supervision.

Note that not all breast supplements even have phytoestrogens; for these, the above statements on penis pills apply.

Breast Pumps (not to be confused with maternal nursing aids) - these can permanently damage breast tissue and are not recommended.


For some men and women, the issue with organ size is not lack of it, but rather excess. The troubles this causes would no doubt change the tune of many a person who fanta-size huge.

Regarding penis size, too large an organ can diminish pleasure for both him and her. Excessive length can hit her highly sensitive cervix, causing great discomfort. Extra girth can cause pain and even vaginal tearing. Small women are often fearful of large lingams -- not exactly creating the best mood for sex. His pleasure is also greatly reduced if his partner can't accommodate him. Besides basic fit, if he is so long that he hits her cervix, he cannot penetrate her fully (i.e. press pubic bone to pubic bone). This denies both partners one of the deepest sexual pleasures -- feeling fully inside each other. For men who don't relate to that touchy-feely description, it denies him the pleasure of taking her fully.

Remember, the average yoni length is about 6 inches when aroused. Men who are already average size - 6 inches - should deeply consider whether they want to be more. Of course men & women vary a great deal in the size of their sex organs. Even the ancients recognized this, and recommended matching by size for best sexual compatibility. The Kama Sutra devotes an entire chapter to it, here. So guys, unless you want to limit yourselves to women who like it and can take it huge (probably fewer than you think), consider down-sizing your fantasy.

If the man is too large for the woman, the best way to address it (besides ensuring adequate lubrication) is using sex positions. Female dominant (woman on top), rear entry, and female legs-extended are the best positions for accommodating a large man. Interestingly, the same sacred sex positions mentioned above for increasing the feel of a small lingam can work for receiving a large one -- for different reasons.

While her legs are bent in Love Seat & Love Swing, she can easily control penetration depth. Sacred Spoons is a rear-entry position that allows the same. She can also straighten and/or spread her legs to better receive him. Sacred Snakes is a flexible position allowing different angles and degrees of penetration, according to need and desire. All four positions also minimize thrusting force of a large lingam (relying instead mainly on sexercise for pleasure). Different positions work best for different body types; if you're in this situation, experiment until you find something comfortable and pleasureful.

Uncomfortably large breasts can be a great nuisance and problem for women, causing back & neck ache, muscle strain, respiratory problems, and more. Finding and wearing clothes can be a hassle, and bras are typically downright painful.

Women who are only slightly oversized can try the Deer exercises described above. Circle the opposite way as done for enlargement.

Breast reduction surgery is an option for large-breasted women living with discomfort. Thankfully, because it involves no artificial implants, it is safer than breast augmentation. Still, unwanted side-effects may include altered nipple sensation, fluid retention in the breast, undesired shape changes over time, and drooping. Consult your doctor.


Considering the time, expense, and/or effort required to get a larger sex organ, plus the unwanted side-effects, health risks, and mixed results - often even complete lack of results - it's worth coming to accept yourself as you are. You are what you are for a reason, and that reason is perfect, whatever it may be.

Sacred sex gives you what you want from bigger sex organs anyway -- the ultimate orgasm. You're better off investing in an infinite sized orgasm than adding inches to your lingam or breasts.

But whether you choose to pursue super-sized sex organs or not, you'll enjoy them much better in Sacred Union.

Copyright 2007, Society for Sacred Sexuality - all rights reserved.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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size does it really matter?    Posted: March 27, 2005 Reply with quote

This depends on the objective of the sexual occurence. For hot, fun, jungle sex with lots of hard pumping and cervix pounding - which very few women enjoy or appreciate - size helps. For deeply satisfying sex for both partners, girth is far more desirable and appreciated than great length. Most women are comfortable with 7-8 inches max, longer is uncomfortable unless she's into pain. Of course there are ALWAYS exceptionally accomodating ladies and men who truly relish massive length and girth but these folks are the exception not the norm {getting paid often increases one's willingness to be accomodating but doesn't necessarily guarantee it}
For Taoist sexual healing being able to penetrate to the cervix is necessary as the heart connection is just in front of the cervix in a woman. Girth is always more preferable than length in Taoist sexual healing for women. Neither length nor girth are significant in Taoist sexual healing for men as the contact/reflexology points are along the shaft of the penis whereas they are along the inner walls of the vagina in women which necessitates pressure against the vaginal wall - greater girth means more effective activation of the reflexology points along the inner walls of the vagina.

Russ "The Lunatic Lover"

To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
Gary Joseph
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Re: size does it really matter?    Posted: March 28, 2005 Reply with quote

russ said:
This depends on the objective of the sexual occurence.

Exactly...that's why ultimately the 'inner' size matters most -- sacred orgasm is far bigger than any physical lingam (men) or breast (women). We become obsessed with physical size only when we don't know the 'bigger' picture.

Your other points about reflexology and healing are valid in that specific context. Anyone interested in learning more about these ideas is invited to explore the readily available literature about them. Of course, we should also point out that sacred sex in general, and also specific practices given in the Sexual Health & Healing Forum, have powerful healing effects too, regardless of the size of any partner's body parts.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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    Posted: November 3, 2013 Reply with quote

Thank you so much for creating this informative thread, this is amazing info for those who are confused about their sex life or not happy with their penis size....Thanks really a great share!.... Silly me!
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