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Sacred Union
The Big 'O' -- you have NOOOO idea !!!

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Gary Joseph
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5. Sacred Union    Posted: June 29, 2004 Reply with quote

Orgasm -- you hear about it, you read about it, everyone talks about it, you dream about it, and hopefully you've had it many times, BUT... you really know your full orgasmic potential?

Orgasm is so highly sought after that we even have a fantasized name for it: The Big O.

Unfortunately in our sex-ignorant society, what so many tout as the Big 'O' turns out to be small compared to the literally infinite potential of orgasm. In fact, it's even small compared to your physical orgasmic potential. When it comes to the Big 'O', most people have noooo idea.

Sacred sex changes all that.

Sacred sex takes you beyond all the popular ideas of great orgasm. It takes you beyond multiple orgasm. It also takes you beyond full-body orgasm. In fact, sacred sex literally takes you beyond physical orgasm altogether.

Sacred sex transforms orgasm into a genuine spiritual experience that transcends not just physical orgasm, but your entire individual being. Sacred sex orgasm merges your individual self with your universal Self. That is why we call it Sacred Union.

If you're familiar with sacred sex, you may have heard the term 'Sacred Union'. It commonly means the coming together of man and woman to practice sacred sex. This is one meaning, but in its true sense it indicates a very specific experience. It is an experience that marks the start of your sacred sex awakening.

To fully comprehend Sacred Union, you must understand how it comes about. To do that, let's start with physical orgasm.

Even on the surface, there is a notable difference between common orgasm and sacred sex orgasm (or simply 'sacred orgasm'). Common male orgasm includes ejaculation. Conventional female orgasm typically centers on clitoral sensation. Sacred orgasm may include either of these, but more often than not, includes neither.

This outward difference is but a sign of the far more important inner distinction between common orgasm and sacred orgasm:

Conventional climax occurs at the expense of your sexual energy, whereas sacred orgasm does not.

Common orgasm is a release of energy. It is a letting go. At the moment of orgasm, all of your built-up, pent-up sexual energy is spent. In other words, you lose the very energy that you so vigorously arouse to induce orgasm. With it is your capacity to orgasm again and again. This release is most pronounced in men, but women also lose some of their sexual energy in common orgasm.

For men in common sex, this energy loss is marked by a physical loss -- emission of semen from the body by ejaculation. The male seed is a highly refined metabolic end-product that requires much energy to produce. Not only is this energy-laden fluid lost with ejaculation, but also the body must gear up to produce the next batch. This consumes more resources needed for other bodily processes. The result is commonly seen in men after sex -- the 'roll over and go to sleep' syndrome.

While more subtle for women, this energy loss affects her too. Sexual energy builds up in the sexual region and is flushed out with the contractions of orgasm. Her fluids too, which flow strongly at orgasm, are full of energy. And while she may not fall asleep after sex like her partner, women many times feel 'done' after orgasm.

It's worth pointing out though, that female orgasmic potential is typically higher than that of males. While men usually have one climax during sex, women are easily capable of multiple orgasm. Hers are also felt more deeply throughout the whole body, and they typically last longer. All these result from her losing less sexual energy during orgasm than her male partner.

This alone begins to show you the value of building your energy through sacred sex orgasm. And it's this physical aspect of sacred orgasm that triggers the inner spiritual experience known as Sacred Union.

Sacred sex includes a simple technique that induces orgasm while building and preserving your sexual energy. Men especially notice the difference; you learn to orgasm without ejaculating. (For the technique and a complete discussion of this, see Sacred Sex Lesson 4 and the Multiple Orgasm Forum.) Women also expand their capacity to orgasm with this method.

Because you retain your sexual energy with each orgasm, your climax grows deeper & fuller each time. Your body remains orgasmic for longer periods because more sexual energy keeps it aroused. You enjoy a state of extended orgasm and prolonged orgasmic ecstasy.

It's not just that sacred sex preserves your sexual energy, it builds it. The method taught in our Sacred Sex Lesson Forum literally pumps up your sexual energy as it brings you to orgasm. This, combined with the energy rush of orgasm itself, creates a very different effect than the post-climax energy drain of common sex:

Sacred orgasm gives you a sexual energy surge.

This further intensifies your orgasm and promotes deep prolonged ecstasy. The resulting extended orgasm and sustained orgasmic ecstasy have profound physiological effects. Research is beginning to bear this out.

Scientists are increasingly recognizing that our experience literally shapes our brain physiology. For example, children who learn two languages growing up have a more developed language center in the brain. Their broader experience promotes physical brain development. Similar findings relate to spatial aptitude, moral reasoning, motor coordination, etc.

In much the same way, repeated and extended experience of orgasm literally restructures your brain physiology. Your brain adapts to the new style of functioning that takes over during orgasm. EEG patterns synchronize. Your brain becomes more holistic.

Orgasm, being a whole-brain experience, develops holistic brain functioning. When you orgasm, your mind is fully absorbed in that experience. You're not half thinking about tonight's dinner or tomorrow's schedule (if you are, you're not having a full-blown orgasm). You are single-mindedly rapt in climax.

Typically in life, your left or right brain predominates. The left brain is more linear, rational, verbal, and analytical; the right brain is creative, artistic, spatial, and intuitive. Depending on your activity and your personality, you use mainly one half of your brain or the other. You get only a limited view of life.

Both the left and right brain are vital to fully experience, appreciate, and enjoy life. More than that, you need both to experience life as it truly is, unclouded by limited perception. Your left brain analyses; your right brain synthesizes. You need both to comprehend life in its totality.

It is the physiology of sacred sex orgasm that explains the subjective experience of it. Your holistic brain functioning explains your experience of Sacred Union.

Sacred Union is first and foremost fully absorbing. You are completely lost in the experience. This is due to your entire brain being involved in it. Second, it is pure ecstasy. This too results from your whole brain working in synchronized, harmonious fashion. Whole brain functioning also explains why Sacred Union is a trance-like, meditative state. Your complete absorption in it holds you there for long periods, and it has an otherworldly feel, compared to common experience.

Whole brain functioning also explains the sex in Sacred Union. You likely know that the left and right brain hemispheres are associated with male and female traits, respectively. These qualities typically dominate in their respective genders, but everyone clearly has both gender traits. And as above, both gender sets together represent complete life. Thus, in integrating the two hemispheres of your brain, Sacred Union literally unites the male and female in you.

Sacred Union is more than a merging of sexual opposites. It is a merging of spiritual ones too. Individuality and universality come together. In Sacred Union, you experience the universality of your individual Self. This is explained by your combined left and right brain functioning. Your left brain breaks life into individual parts; your right brain brings them together into a whole. Together, they comprehend the wholeness of individual parts. This is why Sacred Union is not only a sexual experience, but also spiritual too. It is the experience of life in its totality -- the truth of life. It is a sacred sexual event.

The merging of individuality and universality has more profound spiritual value. It gets to the very core of the perceived conflict between sex and spirit, and resolves it. Sex is driven by desire. Spiritual life is one of inner contentment, where desire is satisfied within. While these two seem opposed on the surface, a close look at Sacred Union shows how it brings them together to be lived in one life.

Contentment resides in universal wholeness. In that state, there is nothing to desire because everything exists within us. Desire is born of individuality, separation, and parts. Individuality limits us, so we desire more. Ultimately we desire to be universal, which is the most we can be.

When individuality and universality merge in Sacred Union, so do desire and total satisfaction of desire. Longing and contentment merge. Sexual life and spiritual life come to be lived in one human life.

In Sacred Union, desire comes full circle and you find satisfaction in yourself. You transcend all sex and desire, while you engage in it. It is a continuing cycle of simultaneous desire and fulfillment. It truly is the Big 'O'.

Desire, which typically drags you out into the world wanting more and more, finds universal fulfillment within. This does not mean you stop desiring. On the contrary, you constantly desire universal fulfillment. That is what transforms Sacred Union from a temporary experience during sacred sex into a permanent state of Sexual Enlightenment. Worldly desires continue too, just as a millionaire plays in the market though he's already satisfied in his wealth.

This revolving circle of desire, continuously satisfied within, is the source of much spiritual symbolism in the East and West. Eastern religions are rich in circular images called mandalas, which represent the continuity of life. The Native Americans simply call it the 'Circle of Life'.

For more discussion of this primal symbolism, see the Sacred Desire and Journey of the Soul Topics, and also the Life-Cycle Forum.

Sacred Union is a whole brain experience. It's no surprise then that all the descriptions above evoke a sense of wholeness. You feel sexually whole through your inner male-female union. You feel spiritually whole through your universal individuality. You feel whole because the ecstasy of it satisfies your content. And you feel whole simply because you experience the whole of life, as it truly is and was meant to be seen.

There are many other ways to describe Sacred Union. As a subjective experience, you no doubt will have your own perception of it. However, the descriptions above are general points that apply to everyone. Some may also appreciate the following allegorical view.

Sacred Union can be described as 'Ecstasy in Ecstasy'. It is a state in which everything else falls away, leaving only ecstasy. Even your sense of 'I' is gone. You don't think, 'I am in ecstasy'. Ecstasy alone is there, as though ecstasy is in ecstasy. It is ecstasy, period.

Experience is typically defined by the limitations of whatever you're experiencing. Whether you're watching TV, eating an apple, or having sex, that activity or object defines your experience. Orgasm though is different.

As orgasm overcomes you, the boundaries and limitations of experience melt away. You are lost in something entirely different -- a pure ecstasy not limited by anyone or anything.

You may not even think about it with common orgasm because it's over so fast. But in sacred orgasm, pure ecstasy lasts for much longer time. It becomes a more conscious experience. You grow familiar with it. It's an experience you can more clearly describe. That description might be ecstasy experiencing itself -- Ecstasy in Ecstasy.

Ecstasy in Ecstasy helps explain the true meaning of Sacred Union, the one that explicitly relates to sacred sex:

Sacred Union is the union of your pure male & female essence.

Pure inner ecstasy, or bliss, is your own Self. It is your pure male essence. The move, or play, of ecstasy is your female essence. The union of the two is Ecstasy in Ecstasy -- Self-awareness or realization. It is the union of pure sexual essence in your own mind.

Thus, Sacred Union is ultimately a personal inner experience, independent of your partner, even though it is sexual by nature. You are fully capable of experiencing it on your own during sex, regardless of your partner's experience. Still, it is all the more special when two lovers rise to that state of sexual awakening together. In such cases, it truly consummates the love relationship, as eloquently put in this Sikh scripture:

"Not those are true husband and wife that with each other [merely] consort: Truly wedded are those that in two frames, are as one light."

-- Adi Granth

Sacred Union is not new; it is described in spiritual traditions throughout the world. Some call it transcendence, or rapture, or other names, but sexual terminology best describes it. For it is really sexual alchemy -- the coming together of pure male and female essence in Sacred Union.

Pure male & female essence are God & Goddess in you. Many traditions therefore speak of Sacred Union not in human terms, but as a Divine Union. The main text of Judaism's Kabbalah branch describes it thus:

The Holy One is not called 'One' if not united with the Shekhinah [God's Feminine Aspect, or Goddess].... And when the Holy One joins with the Shekhinah, this verse is fulfilled: "on that day Hashem shall be One, and His Name One".

As for the Holy One and His Shekhinah...there is no separation or division, as the Shekhinah is His unity, His blessing, and His Holiness.

-- Zohar

In the end, it doesn't really matter how you describe it or what you call it, or whether you bother to call it anything at all. The real truth of Sacred Union is in the experience, not in the name. A rose by any name smells as sweet.

The beauty of sacred sex is that it gives you this genuine experience. It doesn't rely on faith or belief, or mere words, for spiritual meaning. Therefore its truth and value isn't bound up in names and words. You can label and interpret your experience as you please. Or you can accept it as it is, without name or remark.

Sacred Union is a real experience that is a stepping stone to an even grander one. You enjoy Sacred Union for periods of time during sacred sex. With regular practice, your body habituates to holding the experience longer and longer. Like Sacred Union itself, the experience literally changes your brain physiology; in time it becomes a permanent experience. This exalted state is called Sexual Enlightenment. It is a state of 24/7 Sacred Union.

In Sexual Enlightenment, you see everything in life as part of your Sacred Union. Every experience is enjoyed as the union of pure male & female essence. This is explained fully in the Sacred Spirit, Sacred World Forum. Sacred Union gives a taste of that experience though, during sex. In doing so, it truly makes sex something sacred.

We've seen the role your body plays in bestowing the experience of Sacred Union. Holistic brain functioning gives rise to it. There are no doubt other bodily changes involved as well. In general, your body rises to a pure state to induce the pure experience of Sacred Union. This means that sexual union with your partner becomes sacred on all levels. It's not just your inner experience of Sacred Union, but also that your physical bodies enter into Sacred Union. Physical sex truly becomes a sacred act. You enjoy sacred experience in your sacred body.

Your body is a vessel for Sacred Union. The physical sex act sets up the condition for Sacred Union to occur, and the body is the chalice from which that experience is drunk. That is why sacred sex honors the body as a temple, rather than demonizing it as some spiritual traditions do. A temple is a place of spiritual communion. That is exactly the role of the body in sacred sex -- it is a place in which to experience communion. You can learn more about your body as a temple in the Sacred Human Body Forum.

But of course, the best place to learn about your body is IN it. With sacred sex as your practice, see for yourself what you can experience in the flesh. Whether you're practical or poetic - whether you see your body as an experimental lab or a sacred chalice - drink the nectar of Sacred Union and draw your own conclusions about the experience.

By whatever name you call it, you'll be glad you did.

Copyright 2007, Society for Sacred Sexuality - all rights reserved.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
Gary Joseph
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outside reference    Posted: February 15, 2005 Reply with quote

Below is an article on 'expanded orgasm' from Wikipedia's website. Expanded orgasm corresponds to 'sacred orgasm' on this website. It is the bodily state that gives rise to the subjective experience of Sacred Union:

Expanded orgasm is any sexual experience more intense and extensive than what can be described as, or included in the definition of, a regular orgasm.[1] It includes a range of sensations that include orgasms that are full-bodied, and orgasms that last from a few minutes to many hours.[2] The term was coined in 1995 by Dr. Patricia Taylor. It was used in her Ph.D. research of intense sensual experiences of 44 couples from various backgrounds and referenced in a video she produced in 1998.

Distinguishing features of expanded orgasm are energetic sensations and contractions all over the body, especially in the abdomen, inner thighs, hands and feet, and of course the genitals. Dr. Taylor describes reports of practitioners going into various altered states of consciousness, bringing about deep emotional release and rejuvenation, profound spiritual experiences, having awarenesses not normally perceived in regular orgasm, and perceiving energy expanding beyond the limits of their bodies.[3] Similar experiences were reported in studies by Dr. Jenny Wade,[4] and by David Deida.[5]

Expanded orgasm is likely related[6] to experiences reported by Osho[7] and Margot Anand (valley orgasm), Bodansky, Brauer, More University (see Schwartz[8]), Otto (whole body orgasm), and those described by people who practice neotantra. For example, Brauer, Bodansky, and Schwartz report women having hundreds or thousands of contractions in one sensual connection.[9]

Dr. Taylor reports that men are as likely as women to go into these states and have all the experiences enumerated above.[3] In addition, both Brauer[10] and Bodansky[11] discuss male extended orgasm.

Theories for the biological processes required for achieving these states include the progressive and balanced stimulation and elevation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system; this is evidenced by the tantric practice of using breathing techniques[12] (to engage the parasympathetic nervous system) during sexual activities.


1. The ESO Ecstasy Program: Better, Safer Sexual Intimacy and Extended Orgasmic Response, Alan Brauer & Donna Brauer, Warner Books (1991), Page 24-25, Masters in Johnson … described female orgasm as “a brief episode of physical release” characterized by either “a series of rapidly recurrent orgasmic experiences between which no recordable plateau-phase intervals can be demonstrated or by a single, long-continued orgasmic episode… status orgasmus is may last from 20 to more than 60 seconds”
2. Patricia Taylor, PhD thesis (2000), In her PhD research study, the average time spent in an EO session was 54 minutes
3. Patricia Taylor, PhD thesis (2000), These results are summarized in PhD abstract
4. Transcendent Sex: When Lovemaking Opens the Veil, Jenny Wade (2004), Pages 27-28 and 272-278
5. The Enlightened Sex Manual, David Deida (2005), Sounds True Publishing, Pages 95,133,142
6. Patricia Taylor, PhD thesis (2000), pages 106, 99-100
7. 'Feel the other's body, feel the other's energy flowing towards you and be merged in it, melt in it'... just go on relaxing', Tantra, Spirituality, and Sex, Rajneesh, B.S. (1983), Pages 103, 50-52
8. As the giver of an orgasmic experience, 'you will enjoy the feelings she is having almost as much as she does and feel what she is feeling in your own body', The One Hour Orgasm: The Ultimate Guide to Totally Satisfying and Man or Woman Every Time, Bob Schwartz, Leah Schwartz (199p5), Page 136
9. ESO Ecstasy Program, Brauer and Brauer, Pages 103-109
10. ESO Ecstasy Program, Brauer and Brauer, Pages 109-110
11. The Illustrated Guide to Extended Massive Orgasm, Steve, Ph.D. Bodansky, Vera Bodansky (2002), Page 4
12. Sexual Secrets: The Alchemy of Ecstasy, Nik Douglas and Penny Slinger (1979), Destiny Books, Pages 35,36


An Observational and Comparative Study of the Practitioners of Expanded Orgasm: An Investigation Of An Effective, Powerful, and Accessible Path to Transcendent States of Consciousness, Patricia Taylor, PhD Thesis (2000)
Expanded Orgasm, Soar to Ecstasy at your Lover's Every Touch, Patricia Taylor (2002)
The Art of Sexual Ecstasy: The Path of Sacred Sexuality for Western Lovers, Margot Anand (1989)
Extended Massive Orgasm: How You Can Give and Receive Intense Sexual Pleasure, Steve, Ph.D. Bodansky, Vera Bodansky (2000)
ESO: How You and Your Lover Can Give Each Other Hours of Extended Sexual Orgasm, Alan Brauer, Donna Brauer (2001)
Liberated Orgasm, The Orgasmic Revolution, Herbert A. Otto (1999)
The Doctrine of Vibration: An Analysis of the Doctrines and Practices of Kashmiri Shaivism, Mark S. G. Dyczkowski (1987)
Silent Orgasm, From Transpersonal to Transparent Consciousness, Gunter Nitschka (1995)

-- Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia

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The New Race    Posted: August 24, 2005 Reply with quote

The following poem is dedicated to Sacred Union

The New Race

Focused Diffuse
Initiating Realizing
Penetrating Receiving
Discriminating Embracing
Divine Light Exquisite Dark
Yang Yin
Masculine Feminine
Man Woman
God Goddess
Living in Bliss
The Word made Flesh

To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
Gary Joseph
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sacred poetry    Posted: August 24, 2005 Reply with quote

I think that's beautiful, Russ.

When you express it like that, it clearly shows what sacred union is: a marriage of opposites in harmonic balance that creates a wholeness more than the sum of the parts.

This is why the conscious experience of sacred union is expanded beyond the typical waking state.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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