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Sacred Sex Worship for Her
Body of the Goddess

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Gary Joseph
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Sacred Sex Worship for Her    Posted: November 28, 2004 Reply with quote

[This lesson builds on the general teachings in Sacred Body and Honoring the Body.]

Every woman is an embodiment of the Goddess, fit for worship as such.

Women are Goddess Incarnate -- the Divine Feminine in physical form. Individually, each is a Ray of the Goddess. Every woman expresses unique qualities of the Divine Feminine, while owning Her Infinite Potential within. Collectively, all women present Her full potential, revealing the Infinite Diversity of the Goddess.

Goddess Worship - honoring the Divine Feminine in the person of a woman - may seem a strange and foreign concept to many. Yet a true understanding of what Goddess Worship is shows not only that it is natural and innate to life, but that we unwittingly do it already.

There are several aspects to this understanding. First is what the Goddess is and represents. Second is our relation to Her. Third is Her embodiment in human female form. We'll take each separately.


Goddess as Nature
The Goddess may be understood in many ways, but the best - and most natural - is to see Her as just that: Nature.

What scientists and laypeople alike call Mother Nature, sacred sex calls the Goddess. And the love, honor, reverence, and awe that we have for nature is nothing less than basic Goddess Worship. It doesn't get more natural than that.

The qualities we attribute to nature are exactly those associated with the Goddess:

Beauty, Grace, Power, Balance, Harmony, Unity in Diversity (Uni-verse), Evolutionary, Order, Nourishing, Nurturing, Bountiful, Pleasing, Tempting, Satisfying, Sensual, Sexual, and more.

Appreciating these virtues - in nature and women - amounts to Goddess Worship.

Seeing the Goddess as Nature answers immediate doubts that arise for those accustomed only to worship God. Nature, the Goddess, is simply God's Nature. Goddess Worship is just another name for honoring God's Nature.

As Energy & Desire

One of the most basic traits of Nature, and therefore the Goddess, is Power. Goddess is the Cosmic Energy of Creation. She animates all life and propels it by the force of evolution.

Less understood is that the impulse behind Universal Energy is Cosmic Desire. We see a hint of it in our own lives. Desire drives our personal evolution, which is nature in us. We desire more and more in life, and thereby grow and evolve. On a universal scale, creation can be seen as the Desire of the Creator. As in art, any creative act is inspired by desire. This is fully explained in the Sacred Desire Forum.

It's interesting to note that in India, a culture known for its male & female deities, one name for the Goddess is Shakti, which is synonymous with both Universal Energy and Cosmic Desire. The following excerpts, from a scripture titled 1000 Names of the Goddess, attest to this. The names are meant to identify the numerous traits and qualities of Nature (the Goddess), much as we are summarizing here. Among the 1,000 names are:

[numbers indicate place among the 1000 names; note some sources use different order]

21. "The Consort of Shiva [male deity], whose Power She is"

796. "She Who Is Of The Form Of Desire"

-- Lalita Sahasranama (1000 Names of the Goddess)

The two are intimately connected -- desire drives energy, and energy carries desire to fruition. They are interwoven in all life, and cardinal traits of the Goddess. In fact, the simple act of following desire (with enthusiastic energy!) is a basic form of Goddess Worship.

As Mother

Mother Goddess
Without a doubt, the earliest and most primal view of the Goddess is as the Great Mother. This appellation has many variations - Earth Mother, Cosmic Mother, Mother Divine, Mother of the Universe, Mother of All Created Beings - but each speaks to the simple idea that She is the source from which we are born.

In 1000 Names of the Goddess, the honor of Universal Mother is given first, and repeated later:


1. "She Who Is The Auspicious Mother"

550. "She Who Is The Mother Of The Universe"

-- Lalita Sahasranama

Sacred sex scripture is also clear about every woman's embodiment of the Universal Mother:

"Respect and consideration for women mark the precepts. All women are to be looked upon as manifestations of the Great Mother."

-- Kaulavali Nirnaya Tantra

"Pay respect to womankind, as they are born of the family of the Divine Mother."

-- Katha Upanishad

Even the dry language of science cannot hide the mother-child relationship we have with Her. Science's 'Big Bang' is nothing other than the birth of the universe.

The Goddess as Nature is not just our Birthgiver. She is our Nourisher and Provider, feeding us with countless varieties of fruit and grain, quenching our thirst with water, and supplying all natural resources for our growth and sustenance.

As we love our own mothers for the rearing they give us, so we worship the Goddess for our total upbringing.

As Yoni

Closely related to the idea of Goddess as Mother is that of Goddess as Yoni. Yoni is a Sanskrit term meaning source or origin; it commonly refers to and is physically portrayed as the Womb of the Goddess.

The Goddess as Yoni is simply a more evolved expression of Her role as Mother. It centers on the precise 'body part' that gives birth to life. While Mother Nature doesn't have a yoni per se in the physical sense, it is portrayed as such in symbolic reference.

Still, the term Yoni does have a precise meaning with great spiritual significance. Yoni is not just the place from which we are all born, nor even the source of creation. Yoni is a specific part of the Goddess.

Goddess is nature -- the entire magnificent creation around us, including all aspects of life and experience. Yoni is part of that. What part? It is the inmost place of ecstasy -- that subtle realm of the mind in which we experience our own Universal Source. It is the place of Sacred Union within. Yoni is inner chamber of the Goddess, the most refined level of Life Energy and Desire, where fulfillment of desire is supreme: Spiritual Union that brings eternal ecstasy beyond space, time, and body.

Goddess depiction from India
representing Source of Creation;
note triangular forms
In this sense, Yoni represents coming full circle back to our Spiritual Source. We are born of that primordial Life Energy and Desire, and as we spiritually evolve, we return to that Universal Source within, which is Supreme Bliss. It is the same circle we follow in physical life, wherein we are born of a yoni, then upon physical maturity we return to yoni for 'bliss' in sexual intercourse. This is why sexual union is makes for such a powerful spiritual practice -- it mirrors our spiritual return to Goddess. This is not just symbolic; the heightened energy of sexual union, together with the fulfillment of deep desire, make it the perfect vehicle for accessing Universal Life Energy and Desire. Goddess energy courses through you during sex. Even the physical pleasure of sex mirrors the ecstasy of return to your Spiritual Source.

Several sacred sex texts, and even general Eastern religion, recognize the sacred meaning of yoni:


"Buddhatvam yosidyonisamsritam" (Buddhahood abides in the yoni)

-- Buddhist aphorism

"The creation, maintenance, and destruction of the universe — all originate in the Yoni."

-- Yoni Tantra

637. "She Who Contains The Whole Universe In Her Womb"

895. "She Who Is The Womb Of All"

-- 1000 Names of the Goddess

"The Divine Yoni
is brilliant as tens of millions of suns
and cool as tens of millions of moons.
Above the Yoni is a small and subtle flame,
whose form is Intelligence."

-- Shiva Samhita

To give some idea of the attention and detail shown to this, following is material from the Yoni Tantra that associates specific parts of the yoni with a 'Mahavidya' (Great Knowledge), of which there are 10. The 10 Mahavidyas are personified as 10 Forms of the Goddess.

Yoni partSanskrit termAssociated Goddess
root essenceyonimula-deviDevi
satisfying airyoni-naganandiniNandini
absorbant energyyonicakra-kaliKali
radiant energyyonicakra-taraTara
vital essenceyonikuntala-chinnamastakaChinnamasta
parting veilyonisamipato-vagalaBagala
intoxicating desireyonisamipato-matangiMatangi
grace-bestowing voidyonigarta-mahalakshmiLakshmi
void of desireyonigarta-sodasiSodashi
creative voidyonigarta-bhuvanesvariBhuvaneshvari
The first two Goddess associations are different from traditional Mahavidya lists,
which include instead Bhairavi and Dhumavati.

From these it is clear that Yoni has a spiritual significance beyond the common physical one.

While appreciation of the Goddess as Yoni is mainly an Eastern phenomenon, it is not foreign to the West. Many Native American cultures prominently represented the yoni in their goddess sculptures. The idea is even portrayed in the art of European masters. In 1866, French artist Gustave Courbet, painted L'Origine du monde (The Origin of the World) -- a beautiful rendering of a woman's yoni. And of course, the modern sacred sex movement has adopted this aspect of the Divine Feminine.

For more on the term 'Yoni', see our Sacred Sex Glossary.

As Growth, Abundance, & Fortune

Goddess as
Horn of Plenty
Also related to the idea of Goddess as Mother is that of Her Nurturing qualities. As Mother Nature, the Goddess is responsible for all growth, fruitfulness, and bounteous fortune.

This view of the Goddess traces back to early humanity too. Becoming popular with the advent of agricultural society, the Goddess was seen as the bringer of abundant harvest. Such yields brought prosperity and welfare to the people. Thus the Goddess came to be associated with general good fortune.

Several cultures had (and in many cases still have) goddesses specifically linked to the growing of crops and the harvest. Among the most famous of these is the Greek Goddess Demeter.

The celebration of the Goddess as Queen of Fortune is best seen in the Hieros Gamos rite of ancient Sumer. Sumer, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what we call the 'Cradle of Civilization', was one of the earliest agrarian societies. Each spring equinox, which marked the start of the growing season, Sumer held a public sacred sex ritual intended to bring the blessings of the Goddess onto the king, the land, and the people. The Hieros Gamos (literally 'Sacred Marriage') rite, brought the goddess Inanna (embodied in a temple priestess) together with the king in sexual union.

The following excerpts from the ritual show the clear connection between fertility of the land, sexual fertility, and the Goddess, that was accepted by our ancestors.


[Inanna is speaking]

My vulva, the horn of plenty,
The boat of Heaven,
Is full of eagerness like the young moon.
My untilled land lies fallow.
As for me, Inanna,
Who will plow my vulva?
Who will plow my high field?
Who will plow my wet ground?
As for me, the young woman,
Who will plow my vulva?
Who will station the ox there?
Who will plow my vulva?

[The King speaks to Inanna]

O Lady, your breast is your field...
Your broad field pours out plants.
Your broad field pours out grain.

[Inanna speaks]

I poured out plants from my womb.
I placed plants before him,
I poured out plants before him.
I placed grain before him,
I poured out grain before him.
I poured out grain from my womb.

-- Sumerian Gudea Cylinders, circa 3000 BCE

The following excerpts, from the same source, show the link between the Goddess and good fortune:


Inanna, the First Daughter of the Moon,
Decreed the fate of Dumuzi:

In battle I am your leader,
In combat I am your armor-bearer,
In the assembly I am your advocate,
On the campaign I am your inspiration.

[Narration, representing desires of the people]

My queen....
Give him a favorable and glorious reign.
Grant him the king's throne, firm in its foundations.
Grant him the shepherd's staff of judgment.
Grant him the enduring crown with the radiant and noble diadem.
From where the sun rises to where the sun sets,
From south to north,
From the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea,
From the land of the huluppu-tree to the land of the cedar,
Let his shepherd's staff protect all of Sumer and Akkad.
As the farmer, let him make the fields fertile,
As the shepherd, let him make the sheepfolds multiply,
Under his reign let there be vegetation,
Under his reign let there be rich grain.
In the marshland may the fish and birds chatter,
In the canebrake may the young and old reeds grow high,
In the steppe may the mashgur-trees grow high,
In the forests may the deer and wild goats multiply,
In the orchards may there be honey and wine,
In the gardens may the lettuce and cress grow high,
In the palace may there be long life.
May there be floodwater in the Tigris and Euphrates,
May the plants grow high on their banks and fill the meadows,
May the Lady of Vegetation pile the grain in heaps and mounds.

-- Hieros Gamos, Sumer

This last quote shows the specific link of the Yoni, referred to here by various analogies, to good fortune:


My husband, I will guard my sheepfold for you.
I will watch over your house of life, the storehouse,
The shining quivering place that delights Sumer --
The house that decides the fates of the land,
The house that gives the breath of life to the people.
I, the queen of the palace, will watch over your house.

-- Hieros Gamos, Sumer

The Hieros Gamos tradition is said to have endured for several thousand years. (Learn more about Hieros Gamos and the culture that celebrated it.)

Sheela-na-gig3 Graces
see more images in our Art Archive
The idea of Goddess - and particularly the Yoni of the Goddess - as a bestower of good fortune survived in several later cultures too. Among the more striking of these are the depictions called sheela-na-gig of medieval Europe. These explicit figures appeared over the entry doors of many Christian Churches in Britain and Ireland, to give blessings to all who entered. Similar examples include the Greek Baubo and Lajia Gauri of India. Benzaiten of Japan and the 3 Graces of Greece are also Goddesses of Luck & Fortune.

Among Her 1,000 names in India, the Goddess is recognized not only for Her general benevolence, but also as the bestower of the Supreme Gift:


736. "She Who Grants Liberation"

795. "She Who Fulfills All Desires"

-- 1000 Names of the Goddess

Yoni is one part of Her Body, but there is much more to Her than that.

As the Body of Creation

The Goddess is not just the energy of creation. She is the physical body of it as well. The energy of Nature, as Einstein brilliantly revealed in E=mc2, is physical mass in a different form. Nature vibrates as energy in our quantum universe, quantizing at certain frequencies into atomic particles, the building blocks of matter.

Sacred sex scripture says it more eloquently:

"Shakti [the Goddess] is the creator of the Universe,
And the Universe is her fascinating body;
Shakti is the basis of the entire world;
She is the intimate substance of any body."

-- Shaktisangama Tantra

256. "She Who Is Of The Form Of The Universe"

-- 1000 Names of the Goddess

This is our common perception as well. Nature is not just laws of gravity, motion, electricity, and magnetism, etc., nor only the energy that drives creation. When we look out on the physical world, we see the beauty of nature all around us. In the mountains, rivers, canyons, oceans, forests, ice caps, deserts, sky, and prairie, the beautiful body of the Goddess is everywhere.

That beauty is embodied, and honored by sacred sex, in the female human form.

As Sexuality

The Goddess - India
Last, but certainly not least, the Goddess is known for her sensuality and sexuality. While Western religion tends to demonize sexuality, and to scorn other faiths that deify it, sacred sex and many Eastern traditions treat sex exactly for what it is -- natural. Sex is but one of the many facets of natural human life. Being natural - that is, of nature - it is also of the Goddess.

As an indication of how some traditions accept sex as a natural part of life, and one aspect of the Goddess, below are some of the appellations given in 1000 Names of the Goddess. In the context of all the names, these show that desire and sexuality are an accepted part of life, to be neither obsessed over nor denied.


17. She Whose Eyebrows Shine Like The Archways Leading To The House Of Kama, The God Of Love

62. She Whose Eyes Awaken Desire

311. She Who Is To Be Enjoyed; She Who Enjoys

319. She Who Gives Delight

321. She Who Is To Be Desired

322. She Who Is In The Form Of Kamakala [essence of desire]

375. She Who Is Worshipped By Desire

376. She Who Is Filled With The Essence Of Love

454. She Who Is In The Form Of Love In Women

730. She Who Is Pure Love

-- Lalita Sahasranama

Note that these names have spiritual meaning as well as sexual. This again shows how sex can be a vehicle for spiritual worship -- the experiences and principles of both are related.

Other scriptures are much more explicit in their descriptions of the Goddess and ways in which She can be worshipped. This first quote is plain and simple:

"The true devotee should worship the Mother of the Universe with wine, fish, meat, cereal and copulation."

-- Kamakhya Tantra

This one is sure to satisfy every passionate worshipper:


"Look at my three-petaled lotus [yoni], its center adorned with a stamen.
It is a Buddha paradise, adorned with a red Buddha,
A Cosmic Mother who bestows bliss and tranquility on the passionate.
Abandon all conceptual thought and unite with my reclining form;
Place my feet upon your shoulders and look me up and down.
Make the fully awakened scepter [lingam - male organ] enter the center opening of the lotus.
Move a hundred, thousand, hundred thousand times in my three-petaled lotus of swollen flesh."

-- Chandamaharosana Tantra

If the above passages seem strange, even sacrilegious, the following quote from the same source explains why the Goddess Herself hides it from many seekers:


"When I teach avoidance of sexual union,
It is so that weak worldly beings will abandon it.
I teach whatever will mature worldly beings."

-- Chandamaharosana Tantra

Clearly what is meant in the first quote is sacred sex, not just any sex. The line, "Abandon all conceptual thought and unite with my reclining form", shows that sexual worship is done a specific way.

You'll learn more about this shortly.


One key point about the Goddess is that She is not just outside in nature. You also are nature, and so the Goddess is in you. All of your natural desires and tendencies, including sexual ones, are part of your nature -- that is the Goddess in you. Just as nature around us evolves by Cosmic Energy and Desire, so do you grow and evolve through personal desire and energy. For more on all this, learn about Your Sacred Sex Family.

The fact that the Goddess is in you, not just outside, is a vital aspect of sacred sex worship. It means several things.

First, it means that the Goddess is not just some distant female deity sitting on a throne in heaven, waiting to be worshipped. Goddess worship is up close and personal.

Second, since She is in every person, you can worship Her in the form of a person, making it all the more intimate.

Third, it means the Goddess is within both you and the person you worship through. That sets up a resonance between you. When you honor the Goddess in some personal form, it awakens the Goddess in YOU. This is how you, the worshipper, benefit from your practice.

All qualities of the Universal Goddess, including Her presence in you, make for natural and personal spiritual worship. You can learn more about the general nature of the Goddess in the Divine Feminine.

Now we'll move on to one very special form of the Goddess.


While the Goddess is in all beings and everything, we honor Her most in certain forms that closely resemble Her ideal form. Just as we know God to be everywhere, yet feel His Presence most in temples, holy places, and pristine nature, so do we acknowledge the Goddess most in certain places and forms. Among living, personal forms, Her embodiment is strongest in women.

Sacred sex scripture states it plainly, as was quoted earlier:

"All women are to be looked upon as manifestations of the Great Mother."

-- Kaulavali Nirnaya Tantra

The embodiment of the Goddess in women is easy to see by looking at the Universal Goddess virtues noted above. From flowing energy and desire to mother, to womb, to birthgiver, to nurturer, to sexuality, women clearly best embody the divine traits of the Goddess. In this, they afford both men and other women the golden opportunity to appreciate, honor, adore, and worship the Divine Source of those Signs of the Goddess.

Sacred sex scripture is not alone in praising the virtues of women. Many modern Western writers have sung her praises too, though most in a worldly sense. One bright exception is the following work by Walt Whitman:


"This is the female form,
A divine nimbus exhales from it from head to foot,
It attracts with fierce undeniable attraction,
I am drawn by its breath as if I were no more than a helpless vapor,
all falls aside but myself and it,
Books, art, religion, time, the visible and solid earth,
and what was expected of heaven or fear'd of hell, are now consumed,
Mad filaments, ungovernable shoots play out of it, the response likewise ungovernable,
Hair, bosom, hips, bend of legs, negligent falling hands all diffused, mine too diffused,
Ebb stung by the flow and flow stung by the ebb, love-flesh swelling and deliciously aching,
Limitless limpid jets of love hot and enormous,
quivering jelly of love, white-blow and delirious nice,
Bridegroom night of love working surely and softly into the prostrate dawn,
Undulating into the willing and yielding day,
Lost in the cleave of the clasping and sweet-flesh'd day.

This the nucleus — after the child is born of woman, man is born of woman,
This the bath of birth, this the merge of small and large, and the outlet again.

Be not ashamed women, your privilege encloses the rest, and is the exit of the rest,
You are the gates of the body, and you are the gates of the soul.

The female contains all qualities and tempers them,
She is in her place and moves with perfect balance,
She is all things duly veil'd, she is both passive and active,
She is to conceive daughters as well as sons, and sons as well as daughters.

As I see my soul reflected in Nature,
As I see through a mist, One with inexpressible completeness, sanity, beauty,
See the bent head and arms folded over the breast, the Female I see."

-- I Sing the Body Electric

Whitman, one of the great wordsmiths of Western literature, says of the female form, "A divine nimbus [aura] exhales from it from head to foot." Later, he relates this deified image, as we have, to Nature.

But between them, Whitman pens the most remarkable passage:

"This the nucleus — after the child is born of woman, man is born of woman,
This the bath of birth, this the merge of small and large, and the outlet again."

The main point regarding women, Whitman says, is that after we are born of her as babes, we are 'born again' of her as men. This is a clear reference to sexual union as a spiritual rebirthing, with woman as facilitator. Of both births - physical and spiritual - Whitman says they are:
  • a bath, a cleansing;
  • a merging of small and large -- child & mother, individuality & universality; and
  • an outlet -- a coming out into new life.
Whitman adds that women, often demeaned for their simple lives of motherhood and family rearing, should never feel shame, for their role in life exceeds all others. In her Divine Yoni, woman is the 'gate for the body, and gate for the soul'.

This far under-appreciated work by Whitman is one of the greatest tributes to women in Western literature.

There is another way to see divinity in women, one that may appeal more to those accustomed to paternal religion. That is to see woman, including the female form, as the work of God.

The English poet William Blake noted this in his quite satirical work The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. Blake jabbed at the repressive paternal Western religion, wryly pointing out that:

"The nakedness of woman is the work of God."

That God has created everything, including women and sexuality, is a fact too easily dismissed by those who demonize them.

The Perfumed Garden, a 16th century Arabic text, elaborates on the details of this:

"God also is it who has embellished the chest of the woman with breasts, has furnished her with a double chin, and has given brilliant colours to her cheeks.

He has also gifted her with eyes that inspire love, and with eyelashes like polished blades.

He has furnished her with a rounded belly and a beautiful navel, and with a majestic crupper [rump]; and all these wonders are borne up by the thighs. It is between these latter that God has placed the arena...called the vulva....

God has furnished this object with a mouth, a tongue, two lips; it is like the impression of the hoof of the gazelle in the sands of the desert.

The whole is supported by two marvellous columns, testifying to the might and the wisdom of God; they are not too long nor too short; and they are graced with knees, calves, ankles, and heels, upon which rest precious rings.

Then the Almighty has plunged woman into a sea of splendours, of voluptuousness, and of delights, and covered her with precious vestments, with brilliant girdles and provoking smiles.

So let us praise and exalt him who has created woman and her beauties, with her appetizing flesh; who has given her hails, a beautiful figure, a bosom with breasts which are swelling, and amorous ways, which awaken desires.


I, the servant of God, am thankful to him that no one can help falling in love with beautiful women...."

-- Perfumed Garden, Introduction

This is how followers of Western religion, even without accepting the Goddess, should view women.

The topic of women as the Goddess would not be complete without addressing the patriarchal view that man only is made in the Image of God, and that woman is a mere 'helpmate'. This is based not only on flimsy theological grounds, but also on incorrect Bible translation.

The verse in question is commonly rendered as follows:

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

-- Gen. 1.27; King James Version

The word 'man' translates from the Hebrew adam, which has become ingrained in our minds as the name of the first male. Yet the Hebrew 'adam' refers to a human being without regard to gender. Therefore, the passage correctly reads, "So God created humanity in his own image..."

A more complete argument, including biological proof that the Divine Image includes both man and woman, is given in the Divine Feminine.

Earlier we quoted a scriptural explanation for why sexual worship was kept hidden from public view. Here is a similar one explaining the common disdain for women shown by many traditions:

"In all the discourses & Abhidharma texts,
Women are disparaged,
Spoken for the sake of disciples of various capacities --
The real truth is taught secretly.
'Why do the early disciples & others slander women?'
That is common to the early disciples & others
who live in the realm of desire,
Not knowing the path of liberation
That relies on women & bestows everything."

-- Chandamaharosana Tantra

Seekers can lose their way on a spiritual path that relies on women, desire, and sexuality. Therefore these teachings were closely guarded.

Sacred sex replaces male supremacy - and also female primacy - with the idea of man and woman as sacred equals.

Of all the ways in which women embody the Goddess, there is one that reigns truly supreme -- that she is a place of worship. We saw this earlier in the spiritual meaning of 'yoni'. The Yoni of the Goddess is that inmost chamber of the mind where we commune with Spirit. That is our place of inner worship. The physical yoni of women serves that same function in sacred sex. It is in the yoni that we raise our sexual energy to spiritual heights, and commune in Sacred Union. Thus the physical yoni too is a place of worship. Sacred sex is a sacrament, and the yoni is its temple.

A woman's body is a mirror of the Body of the Goddess, in which all worship takes place. This is why sacred sex holds not just general reverence for women, but specific adoration for the female body, even every part of the body.


Earlier we spoke of various traits of the Goddess for which She is honored. Among these is the fact that She is the Body of the Universe. Sacred sex sees Her Body and that of the universe as one and the same. Therefore, just as we see the body of the universe - Nature - as sacred, so we consider the Body of the Goddess, and all its parts, as sacred too.

It is easy to draw analogy between the parts of the body and divine ideals that they personify. For example, the Goddess has 'eyes that see everything in creation'. This is a common form of worship, and examples of it are given later.

But we needn't construct our own correspondences, nor must we even use them. Traditional scripture praises the pure beauty of the Body of the Goddess. Veneration of these, either directly or in the person of a woman embodying the qualities, is another form of worship.

Once again, in 1000 Names of the Goddess, we find titles devoted not only to the radiant beauty of Her Form, but also to every part of it from head to toe, literally:


15. She Whose Forehead Shines Like The Crescent Moon...

18. She Whose Eyes Possess The Luster Of The Fish That Move About In The Stream Of Beauty Flowing From Her Face

19. She Who Is Resplendent With A Nose That Has The Beauty Of A Newly Blossoming Campaka Flower

22. She Who Wears The Sun And The Moon As A Pair Of Large Earrings

23. She Whose Cheeks Excel Mirrors Made Of Rubies In Their Beauty

24. She Whose Lips Excel Freshly Cut Coral And Bimba Fruit In Their Reflective Splendor

25. She Who Has Radiant Teeth Which Resemble The Buds Of Pure Knowledge

28. She Who Submerges Even The Mind Of Kamesha (Lord Shiva) In The Radiance Of Her Smile

29. She Whose Chin Is Beyond Compare In Beauty

31. She Whose Arms Are Beautifully Adorned With Golden Armlets

32. She Whose Neck Is Resplendent With A Gem-Studded Necklace With A Locket Made Of Pearl

33. She Who Gives Her Breasts To Kameshvara In Return For The Gem Of Love He Bestows On Her

34. She Whose Breasts Are The Fruits On The Creeper Of The Fine Hairline That Starts In The Depths Of Her Navel And Spreads Upwards

35. She Who Has A Waist, The Existence Of Which Can Only Be Inferred By The Fact That The Creeper Of Her Hairline Springs From It

36. She Whose Abdomen Has Three Folds Which Form A Belt To Support Her Waist From Breaking Under The Weight Of Her Breasts

37. She Whose Hips Are Adorned With A Garment As Red As The Rising Sun, Which Is Dyed With An Extract From Safflower (Kusumbha) Blossoms

38. She Who Is Adorned With A Girdle Which Is Decorated With Many Gem-Studded Bells

39. The Beauty And Softness Of Whose Thighs Are Known Only To Kamesha, Her Husband

40. She Whose Knees Are Like Crowns Shaped From The Precious Red Jewel, Manikya (A Kind Of Ruby)

41. She Whose Calves Gleam Like The Jewel-Covered Quiver Of The God Of Love

42. She Whose Ankles Are Hidden

43. She Whose Feet Have Arches That Rival The Back Of A Tortoise In Smoothness And Beauty

44. She Whose Toenails Give Out Such A Radiance That All The Darkness Of Ignorance Is Dispelled Completely From Those Devotees Who Prostrate At Her Feet

45. She Whose Feet Defeat Lotus Flowers In Radiance

48. She Who Is The Treasure House Of Beauty

50. She Whose Body Is Worthy Of Worship

329. She Who Is Beautiful

459. She Who Has A Beautiful Face

460. She Whose Body Is Soft And Beautiful Like Lotus Petals

868. She Who Is Captivating In Her Beauty

-- Lalita Sahasranama

Think about it -- to have appellations given specifically for each body part, they must be truly sacred. This is the sanctity of the human body, which is made in the Image of the Divine. And this is why adoration of specific body parts, including the Yoni, can be a form of Goddess Worship.


Sacred sex scripture is clear about the yoni as a place of worship, even going into detail about its parts and what they represent:


"Her lap is the sacrificial altar,
her hair the sacrificial grass,
her skin within the organ the lighted fire;
the two labia of the vulva are the two stones of the soma-press.

He who, knowing this, practices sexual intercourse wins as great a world as is won through the Vijapeya sacrifice."

-- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Part VI, Chapter 4

"Woman, O Gautama, is the fire,
her sexual organ is the fuel,
what invites is the smoke,
the vulva is the flame,
what is done inside is the embers,
the pleasures are the sparks.

In this fire the gods offer semen as libation."

-- Chandogya Upanishad

Later, you'll learn about a special way of honoring the Goddess, called Yoni Worship.

Second only to the yoni in sacred sex significance are the female breasts. The breasts, particularly the flow of milk from the nipples, represent the Flowing Abundance of the Goddess. Earlier we saw the link between the Goddess and fortune & prosperity. Her breasts are the specific body parts pertaining to that.

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Nowhere is this more evident than in the Greek goddess, Artemis. In her role as mother and fertility goddess, Artemis nurtured her children on earth. One version of her from Ephesus depicts her in a many-breasted form.

Even the Christian Virtue named Charity was commonly depicted as a goddess with children at her breasts.

In sacred sex, the female breasts embody this flowing abundance of the Goddess. Your own Goddess Worship may celebrate this.


Goddess Worship honors the Goddess in the many ways described above. The general principles and methods given in Honoring the Body apply, and should be used as a basis for practice.

Simple Worship

Goddess Worship can be as simple and natural as life itself. Life is sacred by nature. Your natural desires and tendencies (the Goddess in you) are already sacred. You honor them by accepting and acting on them in a natural way. This is a basic form of Goddess Worship that requires nothing other than living according to your nature.

Likewise, women are natural embodiments of the Goddess. As such, they - including all their feminine ways - are naturally sacred. You worship the Goddess simply by honoring and respecting women. This was indicated in some of the sacred sex scripture quotes above. Here are others:

"Women are divinity, women are life, women are truly jewels."

-- Yoni Tantra, Patala 7

"Women are heaven; women are dharma (truth);
and women are the highest sacrament.

"Women are Buddha; women are the sangha (community);
and women are the Perfection of Wisdom."

-- Chandamaharosana Tantra

Disrespecting or demeaning women, or otherwise devaluing their dignity and/or rights, desecrates the natural order of life, which holds man & woman as sacred equals. It is an affront to the Goddess in you and inhibits your own good fortune and welfare. This applies equally to women who dishonor their own nature by sacrificing themselves to male dominion or by otherwise not following their own desires.

Sex as Worship

A second simple - and sensual - form of worship is sex. Sex is unites male and female. More specifically, we can describe it as the male entering the female, or the female absorbing the male. Either way, sex symbolizes our uniting with, entering into, or being absorbed by the Goddess. We become one with Her.

On the spiritual plane, uniting with the Goddess means entering into Sacred Union. It fulfills the evolutionary purpose of nature. This is the highest form of worship we can offer nature, the Goddess.

Sacred sex is a means to this. Therefore it is a direct form of Goddess Worship. Sacred sex scripture attests to this, including the fruit of enlightenment:


Yoni-Lingam - one of India's
most revered spiritual symbols
"Kissing and embracing, he should always worship Vajrayogini. Physically if he can, or mentally and verbally if he cannot. The aspirant who satisfies me wins the supreme attainment. I am identical to the bodies of all women and there is no way that I can be worshipped except by the worship of women. Visualizing that she is fully my embodiment, he should make love to his woman. Because of uniting the vajra [lingam] and padma [yoni], I will grant enlightenment."

-- Chandamaharosana Tantra

Sacred sex alone qualifies as Goddess Worship, but you can add the conscious attention indicated above for stronger effect. This leads us to the next type of worship.

Intentional Worship

A third type of Goddess Worship honors Her with conscious intention. It typically involves praising one or more of the Goddess virtues described earlier in this lesson. Intentional worship is an optional practice that can bring deeper experience and added joy for those inspired to do it.

There are three main points to note about this type of worship, and they are all related.

First, as explained earlier, the Goddess is within you. You are not so much adoring an external deity as you are awakening yourself to the constant presence of the Goddess in your life. Goddess Worship is more for you than it is for the Goddess.

It goes even beyond that. Ultimately, you are the Goddess. You are one of the countless bodily manifestations of the Goddess on earth. True Goddess Worship helps you wake up to that. Here is a practical way to do it:

If you are a man worshipping the Goddess embodied in the person of a woman, see your physical union with her as an inner spiritual union with whichever Goddess Virtue(s) you choose to worship. For example, to enliven the Goddess' flowing abundance, think in terms of uniting with that and bringing it into your life. You may use words like, "I unite with Your Flowing Abundant Blessings and take them into myself." Then follow with, "I, the Goddess, flow with Abundant Blessings in my life."

If you are a woman worshipping the Goddess embodied in yourself, see your physical union with your lover as an inner spiritual union with the Goddess Virtue(s) you choose to worship. Your lover is that part of yourself that is lacking the quality, and seeks to unite with it. For example, to enliven the Goddess' flowing abundance, you may use words like, "I re-unite with My Own Flowing Abundance to bring Fortunate Blessings into my life."

The second point about intentional worship is that you are worshipping the Goddess in the body, not the body itself, nor the woman herself (per se). You adore the woman as an embodiment of the Goddess. You love her body as the Body of the Goddess. This is to clear up any doubt or hesitation you may have about worshipping 'idols' or worldly things.

The third, and most key point, is that you achieve the aim of Goddess Worship - Union with the Goddess - when you let go. Letting go of worship releases your mind, allowing it to settle and sink into Sacred Union. You enter the true Yoni of the Goddess, that inner chamber of awareness where divine communion resides. Absorption in the Goddess comes from devoting attention to Her and then letting go. Learn more about letting go here in the lesson on Honoring the Body.

Intentional worship uses conscious attention to enliven Goddess qualities you want in your life. You succeed at Goddess Worship when you let go of your intention. This applies whether you desire Sacred Union or some more worldly desire.

Below is a common way to offer this type of Goddess Worship. It extols various Goddess Virtues associated with Her Body parts. You worship them through the body of a female lover. The following is just a guide; you can substitute values that are more meaningful to you. You can also kiss, touch, stroke, and/or pleasure the body part in question as you offer your worship. Or you can sprinkle water, apply perfumed oil, toss rose petals, or give praise in any other desired way.

After each verse, close your eyes, let go, and sink into inner ecstasy. You can do you sacred sexercise from Lesson 4 to heighten the effect. (Phrases are worded to address the woman as the Goddess Herself; this makes Her intimate to the worshipper, and also enlivens Goddess Presence in the woman.)

luv I worship your Divine Form, which moves on earth as all beings, and by which, the form of each being is sacred.
luv I adore your Radiant Face, the Divine Image of which is seen in every face of creation.
luv I love your Goddess Eyes, by the look of which, everything in creation is beautiful.
luv I sing praise to your Delicate Ears, for whose pleasure all creation offers melodious serenade.
luv I breathe in your Sweet Nose, which breathes life into all beings.
luv I worship your Flowery Lips, the smile of which, all creation lives for.
luv I adore your Radiant Cheeks, by whose color lustrous roses get their name.
luv I love your Elegant Neck, which supports the Divine Intelligence by which you govern creation.
luv I honor your Queenly Shoulders, which reach from one end of your Infinite Reign to the other.
luv I praise your Innumerable Arms, by which you undertake all action in creation.
luv I kiss your Graceful Hands, by which all your actions meet with success.
luv I bow before your Bounteous Breasts, from which, copious streams of Blessings pour forth.
luv I worship at your Navel, the Epicenter of all Creation.
luv I marvel at your Waist, the Delicate Strength of which unites the Upper Worlds with the Lower.
luv I glorify your Rhythmically Swaying Hips, which seduce all beings, then bear their sacred offspring.
luv I worship your Divine Yoni, the Source and Goal of all Creation, in which, all Ecstasy of Creation resides.
luv I exalt your Alluring Thighs, the seductive strength of which carries everything in creation.
luv I praise your Noble Knees, which give stability to your creation.
luv I love your Golden Calves, which send your Blessings to every corner of creation with Goddess Speed.
luv I surrender to and worship your Lotus Feet, in whose dust all creatures find the Supreme Ecstasy of Enlightenment.
luv I surrender to Your Divine Nature, which shines in me as my personal nature - my heart's desires - and follow it to evolutionary fulfillment.
luv I surrender to Your Universal Love, which radiates in me as my love, and by it I love all life.
luv I worship the Goddess, who is all beings and who I am, that I may spread the Light of the Goddess throughout Creation.

You can also honor your Goddess in other ways, through a simple personal poem, or devotional song.

Though this type of Goddess Worship is 'ceremonial' in the sense that it involves ritual intention, it need not be fancy or formal, nor is it stoic like many sacred rites. Goddess Worship is a sensuous celebration of whatever YOU most love and adore about the Goddess, and the woman in whose person you are worshipping Her.

This last point is vital to successful Goddess Worship. Do not invite into yourself qualities that are not part of your nature, just because you think you 'should' to be a better person. And don't honor qualities that you don't truly see in a woman representing the Goddess before you. Such intentions, which don't reflect your true heart, distance you from the Goddess and lead nowhere. Plus, you'll soon lose interest in Goddess Worship because it's not the true you.

Be honest with yourself about what you appreciate in the Goddess, what you want for yourself, and what you see in the woman before you. Remember, the Goddess is everything. Your worship need not even be exalted; it can be down-to-earth, even down & dirty.

She is not only the Goddess of Love, but also of Lust. If you are full of lust, don't worship chastity, worship lust...then let go. Your worship fuels your lustful energy (which is just a form of Universal Energy), then you let go and the Goddess satisfies it in Sacred Union. This is how worshipping the Goddess of Lust frees you from lust.

Here are some names of the Goddess for this type of worship:
  • Bhinnayoni - 'She Whose Yoni is Open'
  • Nityaklinna - 'She Who is Eternally Wet'
  • Shukradevi - 'Semen Goddess'
Lust can be one of the most potent desires for Sacred Union if used in this way.

Here is the principle behind this type of worship:

The stronger your life energy flows in worship, the deeper your ecstasy when you let go -- like letting go into orgasm when your sex energy surges. Your life energy only flows for things you truly desire. Therefore, be true to yourself in your worship.

Don't be concerned about the quality of your energy - good, bad, sacred, sinful - these are just labels. It is all Universal Energy, and you leave the quality behind when you let go. Letting go into Sacred Union transforms all energy into Spiritual Energy.

The same idea applies to how you worship. Choose the way that best suits your nature. Don't assume that you must be 'reverential' or 'devoid of passion'. The Goddess wants you to worship in the most passionate way. Including sumptuous sacred sex with your intentional worship shows the Goddess you really want it.

See any lovemaking that you include with your worship as showing how much you love the particular quality that you want in your life. Just as general lovemaking shows your lover that you want her in your life, so does affection toward particular qualities of the Goddess (best shown by kissing the corresponding body part) show that you truly want that in your life.

Yoni Worship

The supreme form of Goddess Worship is also the most delightful. The yoni is the essence of the Goddess and of every woman. Earlier, we explained that the Yoni of the Goddess is that inmost chamber of awareness where Spiritual Union is found. Yoni Worship in the person of a woman is an ideal vehicle to gain that Sacred Union.

Sacred sex scripture is explicitly clear about this:

"Take refuge in the yoni of an esteemed woman."

-- Chandamaharosana Tantra

It also clearly states the supreme fruit of such worship:

"Whosoever offers worship in a supremely devoted way specifically to the yoni, the core of the universe, attains liberation."

-- Yoni Tantra

The Yoni Tantra goes on to describe one way to worship:

"Absorb yourself in the yoni through meditation,
with yoni on the tongue,
yoni in the mind,
yoni in the ears,
and yoni in the eyes.
All spiritual practice is useless without the yoni.
Therefore...worship the Yoni."

-- Yoni Tantra

You can achieve this by the method given earlier -- devotional attention alternated with letting go. In letting go, your mind dissolves into the object of attention. This is a traditional mode of Eastern spiritual practice.

ancient depiction of yoni worship
There are no words exalted enough to describe the glory of Yoni Worship. No other practice offers the supreme spiritual reward and inspires such passionate zeal to attain it in the heart of the worshipper. It is truly a blessing in life -- a blessing that is the Supreme Gift of the Goddess to us, Her Children.

She invites all Her Children to partake of this Blessing from the Source of Creation, and return home to that inmost chamber of the Goddess - the Yoni - that resides deep within us all.

Here are more excerpts from the Yoni Tantra:


First Patala

O Lady Goddess! Worshipping in this manner, liberation is within a person's reach.

A yoni worshipper should prepare the Shakti mantra. He gains wealth, poesy, wisdom and omniscience.... Offering in this way, he may become liberated. The devotee should place a Shakti in a circle. She should be wanton, beautiful, devoid of shame and disgust, charming by nature, supremely alluring and beautiful. The devotee should worship her with utmost devotion. He should place her on his left, and should worship her hair-adorned yoni. At the edges of the yoni, the devotee should place sandal and beautiful blossoms. After smearing sandal on her forehead, the devotee should caress her breasts.

After reciting the mantra for 108 times, while in her arms, the devotee should caress the breasts, having previously kissed her on the cheek. The mantra should be recited 108 or 1008 times in the yoni circle.

After performing a yoni rite using these methods, the devotee attains whatever is desired -- there is no doubt of it. The fruit of offering to the great yoni, deliverer from the ocean of misery, is life and enhanced vitality.

Second Patala

Which types of yoni should be worshipped and which bring good fortune?

The devotee should worship the Mother's Yoni and have intercourse with all yonis.... He should worship the yoni daily, using the five elements. The forehead mark should be made from yoni essence.

Firstly, in intercourse, the purified worshipper should draw the Shakti to himself...and should place his lingam into her hand. The lingam rite and the yoni rite should be performed according to the injunctions. Beloved One, red powder and sandal should be smeared on the lingam.

The lingam should be inserted into the yoni and there should be sacred intercourse. He who uses this method attains the highest realm. A devotee should worship with the yoni essence, the form of yoni, at night when it is full moon, at a crossroads.

Having seen the yoni full of menses, after bathing and reciting the mantra 108 times, a person becomes a Shiva on earth. One should recite the mantra after offering both one's own semen and the yoni flowers.

By all means a spiritual aspirant should have intercourse in the yoni, previously caressing the Shakti's breasts. One becomes instantly regenerated and fully alive by using the water from washing the yoni and lingam. After worshipping the great yoni according to injunction, one should make an offering. The water of the yoni is of three types and one should offer it to the Shakti.

Fourth Patala

What knowledge in the three worlds can match the magnificence of the yoni essence?

In this temperament there is exclusive devotion to the doctrine of the yoni. One becomes pure by making a forehead mark of yoni essence.

Fifth Patala

One should always meditate on the pure yoni. One should always smear the yoni essence on the body. If one should place one's lingam next to her yoni and then penetrate, one becomes liberated.

In the mutual friction of the lingam and yoni is great spiritual practice. The greatest thing in mantra recitation and spiritual practice is the outflow of semen and vaginal emission.

The spiritual aspirant, following the rule, should offer the augmented substance to the yoni region after mixing the semen and yoni essence together.

The wise man should caress that yoni. After worshipping according to rule, one should not have intercourse....

If one should worship a hair-adorned yoni, one becomes like a king. All acts become fruitful, no doubt of it. One becomes very wealthy if marking oneself with a forehead mark of yoni flowers.

A spiritual aspirant wishing to worship a yoni, which is the form of the cosmos, should cause an erection and insert it into that thing which is Shakti Herself. Worshipping them, one becomes liberated while still alive, there is no doubt of it.

Sixth Patala

If a person should gaze at a yoni while ritually bathing, his life becomes fruitful. There is no doubt of this.

If a worshipper of the yoni essence enters a dispute, after conquering all enemies he becomes ultimately victorious. What is the point of bathing in the Ganges? What need is there to resort to sacred places? There is nothing equaling devotion to the yoni. Acting otherwise is useless. There is nothing praised in the world more worthy of praise than the yoni essence.

One should bring together the yoni and the lingam and worship the essence. One should place oneself in this certain thing and give everything to Shakti. One should satisfy using the five elements in the shape of the yoni, which is the whole universe.

Liberation is achieved through enjoyment. Happiness is gained through enjoyment. Therefore, by every effort, a spiritual aspirant should become an enjoyer. The wise man should always avoid blame, disgust or shame of the yoni.

If one should lick the elixir at the edge of the yoni, evil in one's body or dwelling place is certainly destroyed.

The leftovers of both Shakti and Shiva should be drunk.

If one should worship the yoni, bowing thrice with a flower, all karmas are destroyed and nothing in the three worlds becomes unattainable.

Seventh Patala

After eating and drinking, one should then consume yoni essence. Of all food, this is the food that should be worshipped fearlessly. Sexual intercourse in every kind of yoni is widely praised. One should always smear a line of menstrual blood or sandal paste or semen on the forehead. This is the core of true bliss.

There is no such thing as an inauspicious time. It makes no difference whether it be night or day, the 14th day of the waning moon or the twilight time.

Women are divine, women are life, women are truly jewels. Always have intercourse with a woman and meditate.... That which has been revealed to you is the whole essence hidden in all tantra.

At the time of consuming the substance, one should firstly offer it to one's Shakti. Otherwise, one may first cast water into the yoni. The spiritual aspirant should have sexual intercourse with his Shakti after enjoying food and reciting the mantra.

Now listen to the time when the semen-menses is emitted. If one should worship the yoni essence, making a forehead mark with it, all defects and evils of a hundred births are immediately destroyed.

By yoni oblation, the ancestors reside in paradise. One should always caress a nubile yoni. If one should divert oneself in the urgent dance after preparing the cavity of the great yoni, then one is freed from all defects and stains of all births.

-- Yoni Tantra


The beauty of sacred sex is that it gives you the freedom to create a personal form of worship that suits and appeals to you. Because sacred sex itself brings real spiritual results, you can combine it with any form of worship you choose. You needn't even include sexual union -- sacred sexercise as taught in Lesson 4, together with any personal worship will bring results.

Worship is communion with your own inner spiritual ideal. That is personal and different for everyone. Sacred sex worship lets you create your own personal ritual that most deeply touches your heart, to best facilitate your Sacred Union. This has the practical effect of making your worship most successful.


The Universal Goddess is everywhere in creation. Still, on earth, we delight in worshipping in earthly ways. As already described, we worship according to our personal human nature. A more general point applies to society as a whole. That is Goddess Worship in harmony with the seasons on earth.

Springtime and harvest season are the best times of the year for Goddess Worship. In the spring, we celebrate the new growing season -- the rebirth of nature. In the Fall, we celebrate the bounty of nature with the harvest. Thus it was the tradition of early sacred sex societies to honor the Goddess at these times. In particular, the spring and autumn equinox were times of celebration and Goddess Worship. The ancient Hieros Gamos rite is the most notable example of this.

Not surprisingly rudimentary forms of Goddess Worship at these times survive even today. We commonly celebrate spring as the season of love, when romance of the Goddess is in the air. Everywhere in nature, spring is the prime mating season. At harvest time in autumn, we offer thanks to nature during our Thanksgiving celebrations. Both of these customs are simple and universal forms of Goddess Worship.


We close by noting that humanity has a love/hate relationship with the Goddess. Some love and adore Her, recognizing Her as Nature, and worshipping Her as Mother of Creation. Others deny Her existence, despise all mention of Her, and war against those who honor Her.

A close look at this split shows that the rift begins in our own nature. If we repress natural desires, follow false dreams, sacrifice our inner truth, or otherwise deny our own nature, then we create discord with Universal Nature, which is the Goddess. We are then at odds with the Goddess, who works against us in an effort to get us to change our ways. We respond to this conflict by declaring war on Her.

This love/hate relationship seen in the general course of history. In early civilization, when life was simple and in harmony with nature, Goddess Worship was common and popular. As life grew more complex, stressful, artificial, and disconnected from nature, appreciation of the Goddess, even recognition of Her, waned.

Harmony with Nature brings support of the Goddess. You thereby become aware of Her, and love and honor Her. That is why sacred sex teaches that you should honor your own nature first, as a prerequisite for Goddess Worship. This is such an important idea that an entire lesson is devoted to it, called Follow Your Heart.

Lack of harmony with nature means you get no support from the Goddess. You are on your own, you against the world. Because She does not assist you, you fail to see Her. You believe Her to be a myth, and despise the thought of Her.

But like a True Mother, even in this conflict She helps you -- in putting problems and obstacles in your way, She brings about the end of those ways, so you will return to Her. It is what people today might call 'tough love' -- suffering for your own good.

In that sense, even despising Her is a form of Goddess Worship -- She is the Mother you love to hate. She uses your hate as a channel through which to send you the suffering that will transform your hate into love.

And just like when you are mad at your own mother, you can't change her relationship to you. The Goddess is your True Mother, love Her or not, for all eternity. There is a bond between you that cannot be broken.

And that is why - in love or otherwise - all of humanity eternally worships the Goddess.

Copyright 2007, Society for Sacred Sexuality - all rights reserved.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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worship her body of the goddess    Posted: April 2, 2005 Reply with quote

Allow me to share a poem I wrote for my wife Raeanne

Raeanne in Plain Speech
Raeanne wants me to make love to her in plain speech
I Declare my love
There is only one word for you
Raeanne you are clothed in Goddess/ Mother love
You are liquid steel in velvet
Your body is supple flexible elegance
Your face is radiant your eyes vibrant
The windows of your soul are open
You sing to me from your heart
Everything about you is so satisfying YOU ARE GORGEOUS
Your's is the beauty of compassion and wisdom
You stand tall you lead with your heart and your garden
Grace flows with you as you move
Your tender ripeness draws me as the flower does the bee
I am drunk with your juiciness
You have ensnared me without guile
Soul Mate Wife
Beloved Sister Truest Friend
Mother Sex Queen Lover
Russ "Your Lunatic Lover"

Last edited by russ on Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:30am; edited 1 time in total.

To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
Gary Joseph
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Love Poem    Posted: April 7, 2005 Reply with quote

Russ, I think this is beautiful, and your goddess is fortunate to have a man who adores her in the way that you do.

I encourage others to post their personal worship of their lovers.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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The New Land    Posted: August 25, 2005 Reply with quote

My Lady is Entirely Lovely
She pours out Her Love as a Fountain to Bathe me in Bliss
My Lady is artfully skilled
Her Mouth Strengthens and Raises me Up
Her satin fingers with velvet tips entice me into her garden
She urges me " Plow my hills and valley
That my fertile lushness may bring forth the living water"
This we ride as the wave
I am become her board, She surfs She is wise in the ways of the Sea
She rides me up the Wave of Love and Bliss
I surrender to her She leads me deep to the highest wave
We ride Together
Children on the Wings of Angels
Until we go to the Beyond and for a while We are No More
Slowly we come to Ourselves
Embracing as the Broken Wave carries us to the New Land
We rest upon This Shore We Stand We Walk
This is The New Land of Love

To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
Gary Joseph
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poetry worship    Posted: August 29, 2005 Reply with quote

You really have a gift, Russ.

I'm sure your sweetheart appreciates it very much.

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