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Sacred Sex Stimulation
Your inner & outer erogenous zones

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Gary Joseph
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Sacred Sex Stimulation    Posted: November 28, 2004 Reply with quote

Sacred sex stimulates you inside and out to give complete bodily pleasure while elevating you to supreme spiritual ecstasy.

You have two erogenous zones within you, a familiar outer bodily zone and a hidden inner spiritual zone.

Common sex focuses on your external bodily zone. It is the main sexual region you are familiar with. For men, it is the male organ -- the penis. For women, it is her typical main source of pleasure -- the clitoris. (Other regions, like the female breasts, are also part of the overall outer erogenous zone, but we focus here on the primary organs.)

Stimulation of this outer erogenous zone leads to bodily pleasure and conventional orgasm. For most people, this is all they know of sex.

But your body is blessed with an entirely distinct, and equally erogenous, inner zone that is hidden from view. This typically unexplored zone brings pleasures unknown to common experience. Your inner erogenous zone leads to spiritual orgasm, also called Sacred Union.

Many sex experts speak of the mind as a powerful erogenous zone, and there is certainly truth to that. But the inner zone sacred sex speaks of is more simple and direct than that. It is a real physical sex region, just like your outer zone. The only difference (besides the vastly different sexual response it elicits) is that it's located inside your body, not readily visible to the eye. It is however, just beneath the skin, and easily accessible by touch. Better still, you can stimulate it without touch by simple muscle action.

Your inner erogenous zone is your G-Spot. The male G-Spot is the prostate together with the urethral sponge. The female G-Spot is a glandular area (called Skene's glands) on the upper vaginal wall, together with her urethral sponge. The following illustration shows the interior location of the male & female G-spots, along with the visible penis and clitoris:

Male/Female Images © Zygote Media Group

The key to understanding the significance of these two zones lies in the different sexual response they induce. Your G-Spot triggers a response that is essentially opposite that of the familiar zones of conventional sex.

Your outer zone (penis/clitoris) is highly excitable and quickly aroused, rapidly leading to frantic release. The pleasure sensation is mainly physical, and localized to the sexual region. Once brought to feverish climax, it typically leaves the feeling of being 'done' with sex, often physically drained. If manually stimulated to climax, both penis & clitoris may even become too sensitive to touch.

In contrast, both the male & female G-Spots are slow to arouse, and give deeper, longer-lasting pleasure. The sensations spread like waves throughout your body, and feel to transcend the body, touching your soul. With continued stimulation, they increase in depth and intensity, leading to rolling orgasms. Climax feels more spiritual than physical, leading even to clear experiences of Sacred Union. G-Spot orgasm leaves you wanting more & more, not because it's unsatisfying, but because it's so deeply satisfying and rejuvenating -- rather than sapping your energy, it feeds it, energizing you for more and more.

(The male & female organs of each erogenous zone - G-Spot for inner, penis/clitoris for outer - elicit like sexual responses because they are biological homologs. For a full explanation of this, see Male/Female Androgyny - the Shared Sexual Anatomy of Men & Women.)

In short, your outer erogenous zone leads to physical orgasm, while your inner erogenous zone induces what sacred sex traditions have long called 'spiritual orgasm'. (G-Spot orgasm may include physical release too, but its main effect is to trigger spiritual awakening.)

This distinct sexual response is not sacred sex 'theory'. It is indicated by real physiological differences. Stimulation of your inner erogenous zone leads to orgasm with different physical signs than outer zone climax. For men, it typically results in orgasm without ejaculation (which explains its energizing & rejuvenating effects). For women, it commonly results in orgasm with ejaculation, which is atypical with clitoral climax. These different effects are partially explained by the different nerve networks that serve the two erogenous zones. The outer zone responds via the dorsal nerve of the penis/clitoris, while the perineal nerve spurs the inner zone. These produce different sensations and reactions in response to stimulation, leading to different types of orgasm.

Together, your inner & outer erogenous zones give complete bodily pleasure, sexual satisfaction, and spiritual fulfillment. They satisfy you inside and out.

Your inner & outer erogenous zones are an exact mirror of life. Life too has a familiar & visible outer zone - our sensory world - that hides the inner spiritual realm. In the world, spirit is concealed by physical matter. In your body, spirit is veiled, as it were, by flesh. Your inner erogenous zone, concealed by your own flesh, mirrors the hiding of spirit by matter. (For more on how the physical world mirrors the spiritual, see Sacred Spirit, Sacred World.)

Together, your inner & outer erogenous zones embody both sides of life, spirit & matter. This points to their reason for being in your body:

Your inner & outer erogenous zones are the means by which to awaken to the wholeness of spirit & matter, and live it in your daily life.

This complete life - inner & outer, spiritual & material - is called Sexual Enlightenment. To realize this spiritual essence in your physical body is the purpose of sacred sex.

Stimulating both your inner & outer erogenous zones awakens you to it.

Sacred sex gives you a simple way to stimulate your inner erogenous zone while pleasuring your usual outer one during sex. This leads to a balanced orgasm that brings total satisfaction.

Sacred Sexercise, taught in Sacred Sex Lesson 4 uses the love muscles in your pelvic region to squeeze and pleasure your G-Spot. You can sexercise during sexual intercourse and any other sex play. Lesson 4 also gives a full explanation of how sexercise induces spiritual orgasm, distinct from physical orgasm.

Lessons 8 & 9 teach how to massage your partner's G-Spot, or your own, manually. You can combine this with other sex play as well. These lessons also teach ways to massage your outer erogenous zone that complement G-Spot pleasuring. Lesson 8 gives Massage for Her and Lesson 9 gives Massage for Him.

Stimulating both your inner & outer erogenous zones lets you navigate your sex session and steer it to sexual ecstasy. Sex is like surfing an ocean wave, balanced on the edge of ecstasy. Your inner zone takes you deep, letting you surf from your core. Your outer zone takes you up the wave crest for an exhilarating high. Using both erogenous zones, you surf on & on, riding wave after orgasmic wave. For more on this, see Lesson 2: Sacred Sex Surfing.

Conventional sex stimulates only one erogenous zone, giving you only half the sexual pleasure you're capable of enjoying. (Women get some stimulation of both, but not as much as with sacred sex.) Your body has both inner & outer erogenous zones for a reason -- use them! Stimulating both zones leads to holistic climax. This is how you enjoy Sacred Union.

Now that you're familiar with both erogenous zones, you're ready to hear the great secret about them: they are not really two zones -- they are two ends of one zone spectrum.

Earlier we showed that your inner erogenous zone represents spirit within you, while your outer zone represents flesh. The common perception is that spirit & flesh oppose each other. Most spiritual traditions exhort us to deny the flesh in order to save the spirit. They view one as 'good' and the other 'evil'. We must forswear pleasures of the flesh for the different pleasures of the spirit.

We view the two as polar opposites, completely distinct from each other. Indeed, at first glance, your inner & outer erogenous zones appear separate and distinct. But a close look at the body shows not two distinct pleasure zones, but rather a continuum -- one continuous erogenous zone that brings both inner & outer pleasure. This reflects the truth of life that spirit & flesh are one.

The following illustration shows that your outer erogenous zone extends into your body, where it meets and becomes part of your inner erogenous zone.

What appears to be two separate sex regions is really the comprehensive range of your one full-spectrum erogenous zone.

Both the penis and clitoris are dual inner & outer sex organs. The penis is about 50% inside the body, meaning its length is about double that commonly thought (something sure to please the men). The clitoris is even more striking -- the vast majority of it is internal. Most important, note how the erectile tissue of both organs extends all the way in, creating a continuous erogenous zone from the external organ to the internal G-Spot.

The above illustration clearly shows that inner & outer life, as reflected in the body, are not separate.

Sexual pleasure is not opposed to spiritual pleasure. Spirit & flesh do not conflict. Flesh is the home of spirit; it is the window through which the light of spirit shines.

Duality in life is a myth. Teachings that portray life as a constant conflict & struggle between opposing values fail to see its underlying unity. Outer life is the expression and embodiment of inner life, not the antithesis of it. Life is holistic, embracing opposite ends of every spectrum. For a full discussion of this, see the Myth of Evil.

Sacred sex stimulates the full range of your erogenous zone, awakening you to the fullness of inner & outer life.

Your one complete erogenous zone means two things. First, it shows that sacred sex does not conflict with conventional sex. Rather, it's an extension of it. Sacred sex extends and adds to your sexual pleasure. Whereas before you only enjoyed physical climax, now you enjoy that and spiritual orgasm.

Because sacred sex experience and pleasure is an extension of conventional sex, part of a continuum, you can start from whatever common sex experience you have. Regardless of the quantity or quality of your current sex life, using your outer erogenous zones, you can begin stimulating your inner zones to expand your experience. Use the familiar physical as a starting point for exploring and getting to know the unfamiliar sacred. In time, as your inner zone awakens more & more, your experience deepens and grows fuller. When your inner & outer zones are both fully awake, you enjoy full Sacred Union.

Second, having a single erogenous zone means sacred sex isn't really all that different from what you do already. Conventional sex focuses on the penis and clitoris. Now you know that your G-Spot is simply at the other end of those organs. Stimulating it is really nothing more than pleasuring the other end of your penis or clit.

In fact, as shown in the above illustration, the bulk of the erectile tissue for these two organs is nearer the G-Spot than the common visible portion. You've been neglecting the best part of your penis/clit!

There is more truth to this than you may first think. The nerves responsible for experiencing orgasm are the perineal nerves, which network your inner erogenous zone. The dorsal nerve that serves your outer zone is confined to the penis/clitoris. Orgasm via that is only a secondary, not primary, effect.

It is your G-Spot region that spasmodically contracts during orgasm, sending out pulsing waves of pleasure. Stimulating the other end of your erogenous zone means you're only inducing orgasm indirectly. G-Spot stimulation directly induces orgasm. This helps explain its potent effects.

Besides, when you stimulate one end of your erogenous zone, you stimulate the other anyway. Your erectile tissue is one continuous mass that spans from the outer region of the zone to the inner. When you stimulate either end of the zone, the entire mass swells to erect pleasure. So you are not stimulating anything different, just directly stimulating the best part of your erogenous zone.

You may even consider the penis as a two-headed snake (men no doubt, will take great pride in that), and the clitoris as a double-headed flower. Both the penis and clitoris have a glans, what we commonly call the head. It is a particularly sensitive portion at one end of the organ that elicits the most powerful sexual response. Your G-Spot is exactly the same thing at the other end of the organ. Calling it a two-headed snake acknowledges the truth that both ends of your sex organ bring orgasmic pleasure. And of course, you know what they say, 'two heads are better than one'.

So the next time you and your lover get together for sex, put your heads together and stimulate your entire erogenous zone.

It will spiritualize your flesh.

Copyright 2007, Society for Sacred Sexuality - all rights reserved.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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