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Sacred Profane
Pigs, scum, sleazballs, bad girls, perverts ONLY

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Gary Joseph
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9. Sacred Profane    Posted: July 18, 2004 Reply with quote

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This Topic will teach:

In what is sure to be one of the most popular topics on this site, you'll learn that you too can enjoy sacred sex. The best part? Not only do you not have to give up whatever disgusting, filthy, perverted desires led you here ( Evil Grin ), but you'll USE them to master sacred sex! Shock

If you're surprised to find something so profane in a discussion of the sacred, it's because you don't know all there is to know about the sacred -- or the profane.... !!!

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pigs, scum , sleazebags and bad girls    Posted: March 26, 2005 Reply with quote

Both nothing and everything is sacred.
To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
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pigs , scum , slime ballss    Posted: March 28, 2005 Reply with quote

A freedom and comfort with sex is a good beginning for deep exploration of the potential of sacred sex. However it is not a guarantee
that such a deep exploration of sex's potential will happen for everyone who is comfortable with sex especially if simple comfort and enjoyment is all they choose to experience in their sexual lives.
If all of our society were" simply comfortable with and enjoying their sexual lives and loves fully" the necessity for " extreme exponents of the outer limits of sacred sex " in specific and human potential in general would no longer be necessary.
We have gone beyond the time of a 'Savior" It is up to each of us to listen to,hear, and respond to the universal message of SURRENDERING TO LOVE which all Avatars and Masters have articulated throughout all of our existence in this sphere of life. Deep exploration and experience of sacred sexuality involves just such a SURRENDER TO LOVE . As such sacred sexuality CAN be a very pleasurable gateway to direct experience of making love with God. Whether or not it becomes such a gateway is determined by each of us personnally. There is no choice which is THE ONEand only eternally true choice UNLESS THAT is YOUR ETERNAL CHOICE
We are utterly free to choose our experience AND our choice is ALWAYS
honored by God.

To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
Gary Joseph
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    Posted: March 30, 2005 Reply with quote

russ said:
A freedom and comfort with sex is a good beginning for deep exploration of the potential of sacred sex. However it is not a guarantee that such a deep exploration of sex's potential will happen for everyone who is comfortable with sex....

That's a great point, Russ. What non-judgmental 'comfort' with these taboos does though, is let us consciously work WITH them to transform them into what we want, rather than deny them and let them fester, or fight them and only create more division in life.

Practical ways to do this are given in Practice Lesson 17.
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Re: pigs, scum, etc.    Posted: April 6, 2005 Reply with quote

Very true Gary. My Master Teacher taught that "in matters of sex nothing is obscene" In engaging in "taboo sex" we throw off the hold of "THE EVIL TRINITY : fear , shame, and guilt" and return to innocent exploration
What I refer to as "Children at play in fields of the Lord"

As an affirmation of the validity of "engaging spirit through taboo"
there is a sect in India whose entire spiritual practice is engaging in activities which are TABOO to ALL of the other spiritual sects in the country. Activities such as eating meat, living in graveyards, smoking marijuana { and injesting other drugs and alcoholic beverges} living around and using dead bodies{ and parts} in daily life and especially in worship, rampant and unrestrained sex with anyone , and whatever else is offensive to the "Spiritual Ideal" of purity and holiness. Adherents to this extreme expression relate experiences of ecstasy and expanded awareness as a result of living and worshipping as they do. These people are allowed to live and worship as they do HOWEVER they are despised
by their fellow citizens.

The only judge of whether or not any sexual act is Taboo { assuming it is between CONSENTING adults and not with minors } is the person{s}
who is doing it PERIOD

Breaking taboos and living outside of the herd are fundamental requirements to FREEDOM . fREEDOM IS RISKY . Living, as opposed to merely existing and surviving , is risky and that's why so few people really live.

If you don't like change or risk REALLY then Sacred Sexuality is not for you nor is ANY practice whose stated goal is "immortality/ eternal life
in the flesh".

To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
Gary Joseph
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    Posted: April 7, 2005 Reply with quote

russ said:
....there is a sect in India whose entire spiritual practice is engaging in activities which are TABOO to ALL of the other spiritual sects in the country.

I was going to mention this sect (called 'Aghora') in my last post, but thought it might be too much for some. Leave it to you, Russ, to say the things no one wants to hear! For those unfamiliar with this group (or the idea behind it), it's not about doing 'sinful' things; it's about showing yourself (and the world) that the Divine is EVERYWHERE, even in those seemingly most profane things. If you can hold spiritual awareness even in those extremes, it is that much more deeply established in everyday life.

russ said:
....The only judge of whether or not any sexual act is Taboo { assuming it is between CONSENTING adults and not with minors } is the person{s} who is doing it PERIOD

And the only criteria for that is the DESIRE of the person/people involved. (See the Forums discussing the 'name' of the Goddess: Desire, not Sin.)

russ said:
Breaking taboos and living outside of the herd are fundamental requirements to FREEDOM....If you don't like change or risk REALLY then Sacred Sexuality is not for you....

I have to take slight exception to this. I get your point, Russ, but what I think you really mean is that freedom is following your heart's desires without fear, guilt, or shame. This is different for everyone; some may not have desires to 'live outside the herd' (I know that's hard for you to believe, Russ, since you're a herd unto yourself Hardy-har ). The other thing here is that in an enlightened society, where desires are honored and not socially repressed, there's no need to be outside the herd, because the herd moving in the right direction -- toward freely expressed & fulfilled desire. It's only when the herd isn't moving that enlightened beings like Christ, Buddha, etc. are seen as radicals outside the herd. The same goes for enlightened ideas, hopefully like those presented on this site.

I'd say the same about sacred sex; you don't HAVE to be a risk-taker to do sacred sex. You can practice in the peace, privacy, and comfort of your home and society's norms, if that's your desire. But if you do have desires in your heart that you ignore because they're an affront to society, then you must follow your inner truth and not let society steal your God-given freedom.
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