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Sacred Human Body
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Gary Joseph
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Sacred Human Body    Posted: June 29, 2004 Reply with quote

Your body is both a mirror of your soul and a vehicle to it.

It is a holographic print-out of your inner spirit, projected through your DNA blueprint. The universal intelligence within you designs your DNA, and through it builds your body.

Your body is like a work of art. Every work of art reflects the artist that created it. It is a mirror of the artist. It is the artist's thoughts, feelings, ideals, etc. expressed in physical form. In the art, the artist is made manifest.

At the same time, artwork is a vehicle by which to know the artist. By taking in the art, we partake of the artist. In grasping the art, we fathom the artist. By diving into and exploring every nuance of the art, we unearth the inner essence of the artist. By losing ourselves in the art, we even merge, in a sense, with the artist. We commune in spirit with the artistic genius in the art.

This is why your body is sacred. It is both a sacred image and a means to sacred union.

Sacred sex honors this sacred bodily truth.

Religion all too often teaches that God (or Goddess) is only found in church and temple on prayer day. But divinity is not present only in certain places on certain days. It is an everyday, omnipresent reality here & now, throughout the body of creation. You are fully capable of communion with that divinity - in whatever form you choose to worship it - everywhere, at all times. Specifically, you can worship the sacred within you in your own sacred body.

Religion, particularly in the west, also often portrays the body as debased, dirty, and sinful. Yet our own scripture speaks differently about our essential created nature:

"And God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him. He created them male and female."

-- Genesis 1:27

Whatever the current state of our bodily nature - whether exalted or 'fallen' - we honor our Creator when we honor His Creation. We decry Him when we disparage His Work.

Honoring all of God's creation, including the body, its desires, and its love relations is natural. It has also been common in various cultures at various times, as shown in the examples below:


PRAISE BE GIVEN TO God, who has placed man's greatest pleasure in the natural parts of woman, and has destined the natural parts of man to afford the greatest enjoyment to woman.

He has not endowed the parts of woman with any pleasurable or satisfactory feeling until the same have been penetrated by the instrument of the male; and likewise the sexual organs of man know neither rest nor quietness until they have entered those of the female.


I, the servant of God, am thankful to him that no one can help falling in love with beautiful women....

-- The Perfumed Garden, Introduction; 16th century Arab text

The man sees the woman as a goddess. The woman sees the man as a god.

-- Chandamaharosana Tantra; circa 7th century, India

All creation is the body of God, and therefore sacred. The human body is not only part of that, but is the evolutionary crown of that. What more sacred could there be?

Famed poet Walt Whitman lauded the body's special place in creation:

"If any thing is sacred the human body is sacred...."

-- I Sing the Body Electric

Even in secular humanist terms the body is sacred in the sense of expressing the highest values of life. Your body is the manifestation of your innermost thoughts, desires, personality, and ideals.

Modern science increasingly recognizes this. Genetics understands that your body is the manifestation of intelligence encoded in your DNA, just as a building manifests the knowledge of its blueprint. Your DNA contains building blocks arranged in particular order. This genetic 'code' guides the construction of every aspect of your life, including your physical body.

Beyond this even, physiologists know that your thoughts create neuropeptides that are metabolized by the body. These physical correlates of thought literally become part of your cellular structure.

Thus your body directly reflects the inner you. Even if you suppose your inner self to be impure, the idea of a physical body that mirrors inner life is sacred.

The great English poet William Blake wrote of this relation between the inner being and the outer body:

"Man has no Body distinct from his Soul; for that call'd Body is a portion of Soul discern'd by the five Senses, the chief inlets of Soul in this age."

Thoreau succinctly said the same:

"Every man is the builder of a temple called his body."

The sacredness of the human body is one of the basic tenets of sacred sex. By this, the body becomes a temple in which we may offer worship.

This is admittedly a bold claim, one that religion may adamantly deny. But reasonable inquiry shows it to be so, and religious thought and custom even support the idea.

Let's start with a definition of the word 'temple' (from the 2006, Random House Unabridged Dictionary): "an edifice or place dedicated to the service or worship of a deity or deities." Put another way, a temple is any place in which divinity resides and can be worshipped. In non-deistic terms, it is a place for communion with one's chosen spiritual ideal.

Your body is such a place.

If this still sounds strange, the same dictionary entry continues with this meaning: "any place or object in which God dwells, as the body of a Christian."

Christ himself clearly saw his body as a temple:

19 ...Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.

20 Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days?

21 But he spake of the temple of his body.

-- John 2

Lest Christians distinguish between the body of Christ and that of common men on this point, Paul observed:

19 Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

-- 1 Corinthians 6

Also, Christ essentially calls the body a temple in teaching, "the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21).

Built temples, in fact, pale before that of the human body in many ways:
  • the body is created by God; buildings are raised by men.
  • the body is perfect; buildings are as good as their builders.
  • the body is a living, breathing temple; buildings are brick & mortar.
  • the spirit of God is more awake in the body than in a building.
  • true worship takes places within; the body is better suited for this.
Plus, the temple of your body is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. No special time or place for worship needed; no officiating priest. Just you and your lover, and your mutual desire to worship.

In the movie Kama Sutra, the character Jai Kumar, who is smitten with love for the star, Maya, tells her:

"I used to worship in temples until I realized that everything around me was holy - the waterfall, stone, grass - all pure spirit. Now, like a madman, I worship everything I you."

Such is the spiritual freedom that your living temple offers.

This does not lessen the value of built temples as places of worship; it merely asserts that the body is the ideal place of worship. The German philosopher Novalis summed up this sentiment:

"There is but one temple in the universe and that is the body of man."

Sacred sex honors the special sanctity of your body with a name: 'bodytemple'.

Your bodytemple has all the qualities of a built temple, and more. In it, you can do everything you do in a built temple:
  • worship - praise your embodied Creator;
  • prostrate or sacrifice yourself - lose your individuality in universality;
  • take communion - merge with divinity;
  • perform sacraments - engage in sacred acts;
  • be baptized - wash away stains;
  • be reborn - return to individuality transformed by Universal Spirit;
  • enter into sacred marriage - eternally wed the Divine;
  • lose yourself in spiritual union - become one with divinity.
Sacred sex worship is not of the body for its own sake. It is worship of God/dess in the body, and the body as a creation and expression of God/dess. It is like honoring the sun by acknowledging its rays. Divine brilliance is beyond comprehension, so we honor it by its rays. The human body is among its brightest rays.

Sacred sex does not aggrandize the body or hold illusions about it. It does not deny that the body can be impure and that we may not currently be perfected embodiments of God & Goddess. But just as our churches and temples may not be perfect or glorious enough, and our worship there may not be pure enough, we may still view the body as a house of God and partake of worship, and in so doing become more holy. We cleanse and purify ourselves with each sacred act. Every time we worship, we re-consecrate the body. We redeem our bodytemple and become a more perfect sanctuary. With that, in time, spiritual experience grows.

Sacred sex accepts the body as it is - in whatever state or condition - and honors its essential nature as sacred. Regardless of its apparent 'purity', the fact remains that through it, your human nervous system is capable of communing with the Divine. That qualifies your body as sacred.

This point - that we can commune with God in our bodies - is the consummate sign that the body is sacred. In such communion, the body is a pure reflection of the Divine. We embody the Divine Image in which we are made.

Sacred sex takes this a step further. It reflects the Divine Union of creation.

The Creator and all creation are comprised of male and female essence. Whether you view this as God & Goddess, or simply male & female nature, creation is made of these traits. Divine communion is the experience of the union of these two. It is spiritual wholeness. Sacred sex calls the experience Sacred Union.

In Sacred Union, you are joined with your partner physically, and joined with the Divine spiritually. Your physical union is a perfect reflection of Divine Union.

Sacred sex is an embodied spiritual practice. Everything takes place in your body -- both practice and experience. Your bodily practice evokes an inner spiritual experience. All that takes place within you.

Your bodily union reflects your spiritual union. In this, you are a perfect expression of the axiom 'as above, so below' -- as on the spiritual plane, so on the material. This reveals reveals the special relationship between body & spirit. Your body is a house for spirit.

Your body is a vessel for Sacred Union. The physical sex act sets up the condition for Sacred Union to occur, and the body is its vessel. That is why sacred sex honors your body as a temple. The experience of Sacred Union occurs through the instrumentality of your body.

When you and your lover come together in sacred sex - two vessels for Sacred Union - you play out on earth the Divine Union of heaven. Your physical union is a true mirror of Spiritual Union.

In sacred sex, you embody the ideal of spirit made manifest.

That is why your body is sacred.

Copyright 2007, Society for Sacred Sexuality - all rights reserved.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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your very own body temple    Posted: March 27, 2005 Reply with quote

Our bodies are both temple and worship simultaneously. How we live our physical lives is our worship. Not just in our sexual lives but especially in our sexual lives we express our fundamental attitudes about God and ourselves.
How do we resonate with the idea of having sex with God? It is one thing to love God quite another to be loved by God. People like Krishna, Jesus, Babaji, Lao Tsu ,Confucius, Mithras and other world and race Teachers and Avatrars are speakng of relating to God as LOVER AND BELOVED in deely intimate and sexual language because GOD IS A PERSON. God is THE MAN and all Souls are feminine in relationship to God.
Are we willing to let God and our true SELF, also God, be so real and tangible as to have a passionately intimate relationship that occurs in our body actually, not rhetorically or theoretically, but organically and cellularlythroughout our WHOLE PERSON: body , mind /brain, belly brain , heart brain, emotional and desire bodies Soul and God Self?
Our bodies have been designed to "house the fullness of Divinity", our Souls are perfect carriers of all of our experience and our SELF IS GOD. We already are the embodiment of God, we simply do not remember and realize who we really are.
Conscious sex as both gateway and path of worship helps us remember and realize our true SELF and live in the kingdom of God IN THE BODY RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW rather than in the future somewhere else. THIS IS THE GOOD NEWS which all Masters and Avatars have proclaimed through out all time and it is also my personal experience. God is no respecter of persons - IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO YOU ARE OR WHERE YOU CAME FROM- God will make love with any soul anywhere who will allow him into themselves. Just like in sex
it comes down to surrender and enjoyment!
Russ "The Lunatic LOver"

To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
Gary Joseph
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Re: your very own body temple    Posted: April 4, 2005 Reply with quote

russ said:
IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO YOU ARE OR WHERE YOU CAME FROM- God will make love with any soul anywhere who will allow him into themselves.

Yes, and the beauty of it is that He will even do it on each individual's own terms -- however you want that love relationship to be, in whatever Form - or Formlessness - you want the Divine to appear, and in the name of whatever organized religion - or personal spiritual belief or practice - you choose, that is how your Divine Love Relationship will be, for you.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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Re: your very own body temple    Posted: April 9, 2005 Reply with quote

Most definitely! An experience of god is ALWAYS in terms which speak directly and only to the one experiencing. All soul's are unique so it stands to reason each souls's experience of GOD/ULTIMATE REALITY will be ABSOLUTELY PERSONAL and unique. There IS a commonality but it is
in the results not in the details of the experience.

To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
Gary Joseph
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Individual Universality    Posted: April 9, 2005 Reply with quote

Yes, just like life, enlightenment is individualized universality. We experience a common universe through our own individual eyes...and mind, etc.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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As Above So Below    Posted: August 14, 2005 Reply with quote

The ancients said that "Man is the Microcosm" and that our body is a microcosm of the solar system.
Astrology* teaches that each part of the human body is governed by a particular sign of the zodiac and that each sign is ruled by a particular planet, the sun, or the moon as follows:
Aries ruled by Mars governs the head , eyes and red corpuscles
Taurus ruled by Venus governs throat and thymus gland
Gemini ruled by Mercury governs hands , arms and lungs
Cancer ruled by the Moon governs stomach and breasts
Leo ruled by the Sun governs the heart and back
Virgo ruled by Mercury governs small intestine
Libra ruled by Venus governs Kidneys and Interior sex organs
Scorpio ruled by Pluto governs external generative organs
Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter governs the liver and thighs
Capricorn ruled by Saturn governs the the skeleton and knees
Aquarius ruled by Uranus governs the ankles, ethers in the body,
the pituitary and the magnetic aura
Pisces ruled by Neptune governs the feet , spinal chord , chakras,
telepathic function and superphysical impulses.

* Astrological information from " Stars of Heaven" printed by
Science of Man. To purchase contact

To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
Gary Joseph
SSS Founder

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Cosmic Body / Human Body    Posted: August 14, 2005 Reply with quote

Yes, when connections like this exist (and many people vouch for them through the personal experience of monitoring their health with the aid of their astrology charts), it is more evidence showing that the body is sacred and part of God's universal body, not sinful as some proclaim.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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