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Origin of Sacred Sex
How sex became sacred: it was born that way!

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Gary Joseph
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1. Origin of Sacred Sex    Posted: June 29, 2004 Reply with quote

Many people wonder where sacred sex comes from.

Is it the creation of some human mind, a veneration of our innate sexual essence? Was it evolved by enlightened sages in our distant past, handed down through the ages, and only today re-discovered? Or was it even Divine Revelation -- a gift to humanity direct from our Creator, true for all people at all times?

The whole truth is none of these, though there is some truth in all of them.

Sacred sex is embedded in the very essence of life, and also in its entire manifest nature.

This is not some vague, mystical statement with no concrete meaning, which can't be proven or disproved. It is the very clear truth that arises out of understanding what life is and how it came to be.

Creation is born of an unmanifest plane of existence. Modern science (mainly physics) has theorized this underlying 'Unified Field', as it is commonly called, and continually seeks to learn more about how the entire material world arises out of this nothingness.

Science knows & accepts that matter arises out of non-material fields. Energy fluctuates and quantizes into matter. What it doesn't understand fully is how.

For this, we must turn from modern science to one that's been around literally since the beginning of time -- the science of sacred sex.

When you think about it, it should be no surprise that sex explains how creation comes out of nothing. Babies grow out of almost nothing every day -- they are born of the union of male & female seed. The conception of creation is much the same, except that it's born of true nothingness. And that nothingness is 'male' & 'female'.

The beauty of sacred sex science is not just that it explains how creation comes to be, but that it shows you through personal experience in sacred sex. You don't need a fancy laboratory, experimental procedure, or doctorate degree -- your body is your lab, sacred sex is your method, and you experience the test results. Then, to prove they're real, the universe verifies them.

How does all this happen? Sacred Union reveals it.

Sacred Union is the climax of sacred sex. It is the deepest, purest level of sacred sex orgasm.

So let's start by understanding orgasm, and in particular, sacred sex orgasm.

Orgasm is a release. It is a physical, mental, emotional - and many would say spiritual - release. It is this total release on all levels that brings ecstasy. In orgasm, you leave behind all worldly thoughts & attachments, problems & limitations, and even your sense of individuality and time. For one fleeting moment, you simply are. Orgasm is a timeless state of ecstatic being.

Unfortunately in conventional orgasm, it's over so fast that you can't even fully feel what it is. Just when you gain a sense of how truly unique it is as an experience, it's over.

Sacred orgasm differs distinctly from common orgasm. Physically speaking, sacred orgasm is the experience of orgasm without loss of sexual energy. Retaining your sexual energy during orgasm lets you build your energy up to climax again & again. You can also stay orgasmic for extended periods. Repeated and extended orgasm makes you familiar with the fine details of that experience. And this is how you come to learn the sexual origin of creation.

In sacred orgasm, that fleeting moment of orgasmic ecstasy becomes clear and enduring. You get familiar with it. You grow so intimate with it that you recognize it as your true inner nature, your higher Self. You are Universal Being, not limited by individuality -- you are consciously one with the unified field of all creation. You identify so fully with that ecstatic Being that you realize the truth -- I am that.

This Unity within is Sacred Union...well, half of it.

Inner 'Being' is your male essence, or seed. This supreme male essence is God within you, or if you don't like that term, then simply call it pure male essence. In Sacred Union, you experience this God-essence whether you're male or female.

It would be easy to stop here and call it the end of the story. After all, you've not only discovered that universal Being which underlies creation, you've become it! But that doesn't explain how creation is born, or the sacred origin of sex.

For that, you must find your female essence. And you needn't look anywhere because it's in the self-same experience of Sacred Union. Your inner essence, and the essence of all life & creation, is dual-natured -- male & female together in union. To understand this, and to see how creation is born of that sexual union, let's look deeper at your experience.

'Being' is Unity. It is unchanging, unlimited, undivided wholeness. Yet at the same time, you experience it. Experience is different. It is ever-changing and multi-form. You experience many different things in many different ways. There is also a distinction between you and the things you experience. Unlike Being, which is unity, experience is divided in parts.

But there is more to experience than that. Though you're separate from what you experience, there's a connection too -- you're linked to that object through your experience of it. You and the object come together in your experience.

This is the magic of experience, that it is divided in parts, yet unified too. And nowhere is this magic more clear than in Sacred Union. In Sacred Union you experience unity. Your universal Self experiences Itself. Unity and diversity merge together in one magical experience.

This magical diversity that experiences Unity is your pure feminine essence.

And now it should be easy to see why we call it Sacred Union. Your experience of your inner Self is a union of your male and female essence. Diversity experiences Unity; male and female together as one. It is a pure sexual experience.

Sacred Union also reveals the mechanics of creation. For in your own experience you see how everything comes out of nothing. Within Unity is the seed of diversity. Universal Being experiences Itself, and in so doing, divides Itself. The parts then interact in multiform ways, reproducing and manifesting themselves. Thus, from the primeval sexual union of male and female essence, creation is born.

That's why not only you, but all of creation as well, are sexual to your very core. It's also why sex has been sacred literally since the dawn of creation -- creation itself is a sexual act.

The male & female in you are forever in union. You cannot separate them. They are like two sides of a coin -- two aspects of one reality. Unity & diversity - male & female seed - are eternally within you, waiting to be realized in Sacred Union. They also eternally underlie creation, and from their union & interaction - their sacred sex - the whole manifest universe is born.

Perhaps that's why we call it 'uni-verse' -- it is a unity of diversity, male and female essence together.

You see all this within yourself - in your crystal clear Self-experience - during Sacred Union.

And you experience the mystery of life that eludes even the great scientists of today: you see how creation is born out of nothingness -- sexually.

Modern science theorizes about the Unified Field. Scientists know that diversity comes out of it. But it's sacred sex science that explains how -- from male & female essence. More important - and much more fun - sacred sex science lets you experience this sexual reality of life in the ecstasy of your own Sacred Union. Thus it is a complete science, having both theory and practice.

For more discussion, visit the Sacred Union Forum. A Glossary definition is also available. Anyone can enjoy Sacred Union by practicing sacred sex. It is both easy and sexually satisfying to learn. For step by step lessons, visit the Sacred Sex Lesson Forum.

Contemporary thinkers may scoff at sacred sex science, claiming that it's subjective, as opposed to objective modern science. They'll argue that it's all in the mind, with no objective proof. But sacred sex science is complete.

Sacred sex posits a relationship between you and the objects you experience, that there is unity amidst the diversity of the objective world. If that is true, there should be objective verification. And indeed there is. To learn about it, visit the Sexual Enlightenment Forum.

Modern science itself has touched on this relationship in a law called the 'Observer Effect'. You can read about it here:

Sacred sex science is provable because this fundamental link between subject and object, which you experience in Sacred Union, is present at every level of creation. When you experience that unity directly at the source of creation, it produces dramatic and amazing experiences in everyday life. It also produces measurable changes in the way your brain functions. For more on this, see the Science of Sacred Sex.

It's not just the inner essence of life that is sexual; male & female essence permeates every grain of creation. Their inseparable union exists on every level of life, from common everyday to the source of creation itself. We are sexual beings through & through, and our universe is sexual to the core. The very act of creation is sexual, and that is why sex always has been, and always will be, forever sacred.

Sacred sex is embedded in the very essence of life, and also in its entire manifest nature. The offspring are like the parents -- we, the men and women of the world, are like the pure male & female essence of which we are born.

So the next time you're having sacred sex, don't think you're doing something new. You're simply repeating what's been happening throughout creation since the beginning of time. You're also enjoying sex as it was meant to be.

After all, sex didn't just become sacred -- it was born that way.

Copyright 2005, Society for Sacred Sexuality - all rights reserved.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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sacred sexuality    Posted: May 30, 2005 Reply with quote

I loved this. Niiice!

It's refreshing to see an understanding of life that accepts our sexuality rather than denies it. We're so used to hearing (from religion) that sex is a 'dark' side of human nature, and that we should turn away from it; it makes you feel like life is a constant battle that you can never win. Sacred sex shows not only that we're sexual by nature, but also that it's sacred to be sexual.

And wow...I never knew there was so much meaning - and magic - in my name. Kinda' makes me feel special. Angel Peachy!

Maya -- it's a state of mind
Gary Joseph
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sacred roots    Posted: May 31, 2005 Reply with quote

Yes, we set ourselves up for trouble when we pit our spiritual ideals against the very nature of life. What's interesting is that we didn't always reject our sexual heritage. See Sex in the Cradle (of civilization) for a look at how our early ancestors followed this natural way of life. Sex in the West shows our gradual loss of 'innocence' over the centuries, and East meets West explains our current global awakening and return to wholeness.

Here are two more follow-up Topics in this Forum:

~ Goddess, Thy Name is Desire
~ Goddess, Thy Name is NOT Sin!

They build on the ideas presented here, and explain exactly why sex, and the desire that drives it, is sacred.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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what happened to sacred sex?    Posted: June 1, 2005 Reply with quote

I have a question. If sex is sacred by nature, and we're sacred sexual beings by nature, how come sex has become such an animal thing? How did we lose that?


...just an average guy learning sacred sex.
Gary Joseph
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loss of innocence    Posted: June 1, 2005 Reply with quote

Excellent question.

Arrow See Journey of the Soul.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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How you experience is what counts    Posted: May 9, 2006 Reply with quote

Gary said:
Orgasm is a state of heightened awareness. Your sex energy builds and rises to your brain, where it floods your mind with conscious energy. This is why everything seems 'clear' in orgasm -- you're fully conscious during it. Your conscious attention is also completely focused; your mind's on one thing - orgasm - not your typical million things at once......your brain uses every neuron to experience it.

I don't have the experience of Sacred Sex orgasm (yet), but I do have experience of being wholy and totally concentrated on something - eg. sometimes when I paint, or some experiences in nature - how I become flooded with a special energy, oblivous to everything else, at one with myself and the colors or the nature around me. Meaning becomes so much more meaningfull when one is focussed like this. It is similar, I think, to what is described above - almost orgasmic.

How conscious you are directly impacts your experience. You see this in everyday life.....You experience with a clear, fully energized mind.....The mystery of it is all in that word, 'experience'.

Yes, exactly - if you focus with your whole being on the moment, your experience of it is deeper, clearer, more rewarding. I have experienced this kind of conectedness, at-oneness with special moments and in them, time seems to stand still. Everything is the experience of it.
Now, since having become interested in Sacred Sex and putting these experiences in a new perspective, I glimpse what a orgasm can be and look forward to experiencing it!
Eye Roll Shock Very Happy

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    Posted: May 9, 2006 Reply with quote

Sacred Sex either alone or with a partner is the ultimate meditation !!! luv The tools of meditation : simple awareness of the breath, being aware in the inbreath, in the stop at the top of the inbreath, in the outbreath, and at the bottom of the stop of the outbreath transfer so readily to sacred masturbation and partnered sex. Be relaxedly open to the feel of the touch ,melt into it while staying relaxedly aware . Enjoy the pleasure , surrender to it and stay relaxedly aware. Breath in the pleasure, surrender to it , ride the pleasure wave in relaxed awareness . Surrende to the enjoyment of the moment, each and every moment . Simply breath and relax and let the feelings carry you as on a wave of pleasure . Allow yourself to go with it and enjoy the ride , be relaxedly aware of the sensations and feelings you experience ; relax with awareness / be open to all of the experience on the way "there" and once you get "there" be" there" fully which is Being Here Now Cool luv
Have fun in your in your personal discoveries luv luv luv luv luv luv

[ MODERATOR'S NOTE: The above information is posted by an independent user and may not reflect SSS teachings. Sacred sex includes a wide variety of practices to enhance experience. The Society for Sacred Sexuality offers what we believe are the most simple, basic, effective, and sensual techniques that easily fit into your sexual routine. We allow users to post other methods in these forums to introduce you to them; pursue them if they appeal to you. ]

To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
Gary Joseph
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Re: How you experience is what counts    Posted: May 10, 2006 Reply with quote

CreativeFem said:
I don't have the experience of Sacred Sex orgasm (yet), but I do have experience of being wholy and totally concentrated on something - eg. sometimes when I paint, or some experiences in nature - how I become flooded with a special energy, oblivous to everything else, at one with myself and the colors or the nature around me.

Ahhh...but that IS sacred orgasm, in the purest sense of the word. This is what I mean when I say:

GaryJoseph said:
Sacred sex is embedded in the very essence of life...

Sacred Orgasm is the experience of Union in ANY life activity. This Unity experience, which is called 'spiritual' in most traditions, is called 'sexual' in ours because we see the details of the experience, and understand that this 'Union' must unite something. What it unites is our male & female essence -- therefore, it is a sexual union in the highest sense of that term, even though it may not involve physical sex, per se.

This of course, is how it's possible to live in a state of 'sexual enlightenment' -- permanent sacred orgasm. Obviously we're not having physical sex 24 hrs a day. Rather, we experience a permanent state of Union in every activity.

CreativeFem said:
It is similar, I think, to what is described above - almost orgasmic.

Bingo -- exactly.

CreativeFem said:
I have experienced this kind of conectedness, at-oneness with special moments and in them, time seems to stand still. Everything is the experience of it.

Yes, that's Unity...a brief glimpse of it.

CreativeFem said:
Now, since having become interested in Sacred Sex and putting these experiences in a new perspective, I glimpse what a orgasm can be and look forward to experiencing it!

You already experienced it outside of sex, so you must be looking forward to enjoying it DURING physical orgasm -- yes, THAT'S ecstasy!!

"Build it and they will come" (from the movie 'Field of Dreams') -- start on your sacred sex journey, and sacred sex orgasm will come.

Sexual union is a mirror of Spiritual Union, and a gateway to direct experience of it.
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