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One man's sacred sex experience through Tantric Kriya Yoga

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One man's sacred sex experience through Tantric Kriya Yoga    Posted: March 28, 2005 Reply with quote

One may participate in sacred sexuality for many reasons all of which are valid AND will produce results in accordance with the intensity of focus and committment to this incredibly potent and exhilarating way of "being in the body". From increased pleasure in sex all the way to becoming God and every state of being along the "way of wholiness" sacred sexuality is the accelerated way of spiritual/ sexual/ human growth and evolution.

The foremost proponents of sacred sexuality as both gateway to, and way of, enlightenment are Tantric Kriya Yoga and Taoism. Tantric Kriya Yoga is for ANYONE male or female, single or committed, young or old, heterosexual, homosexual, lesbian, bi-sexual, whatever sexual or lifestyle orientation / choice you make for yourself, whatever your place in the world may be. It matters not . What DOES matter is your purity of heart and intention AND your dedication to LOVE. This and only this is the determiner of your REALIZATION OF YOURSELF AS GOD.

Taoist monasticism is available to men and women who are committed to a life of BEING BOTH THE BELOVED AND THE LOVER OF GOD. This is the ULTIMATE" bootcamp school of realization" and not everyone can or should resonate with it . The very same intensity and degree of realization is available to ANYONE WHO LOVES THEMSELVES, GOD AND NEIGHBOR ABSOLUTELY and UNCONDITIONALLY. Tantric Kriya Yoga and Taoism offer time proven techniques GUARANTEED to produce results even if you start out with mixed or totally selfish motives. However, they are not the only ways to enlightenment.

For those of us who practice with devotion whatever our practice is, is THE WAY for us IF AND ONLY IF it is producing measurable, documentable change and growth in our lives. If it is not, then we are merely going through the motions and wasting our time and energy.

Last edited by russ on Wed Apr 6, 2005 10:45am; edited 1 time in total.

To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
Gary Joseph
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Sacred Sex potential    Posted: March 28, 2005 Reply with quote

russ said:
One may participate in sacred sexuality for many reasons all of which are valid AND will produce results in accordance with the intensity of focus and committment to this incredibly potent and exhilarating way of "being in the body".

Yes, like anything, you get out what you put into it. The beauty of sacred sex is that everyone gets something out of it, typically exactly what they're looking for.

As for alternative practices such as Tantric Kriya Yoga & Taoism, users are encouraged to explore any practices that interest them. You can learn some background information about Taoist sex practice in our Sacred Sex Traditions Forum. A general discussion of Tantra (from India) can be also be found there, but the specific teaching of Tantric Kriya Yoga is not included.

Perhaps Russ, or others familiar with this practice can indicate how differs from sacred sex as taught by the Society for Sacred Sexuality, and where people may go for further study.
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Re: Sacred Sex potential    Posted: March 30, 2005 Reply with quote

Any differences between sacred sex practice as elucidated by Society for Sacred Sexualty and Tantric Kriya Yoga and Taoism are in Focus and intensity not in any particular "thing" between the two expressions of ONE REALITY. I am very sure that one practicing sacred sex as presented here can pursue it all the way to God or any other place in existential reality just as well as with either Tantric Kriya Yoga or Taoism.

Tantric Kriya Yoga and Taoism present techniques and practices GUARANTEED to produce results according to the "heart disposition " of the praticer. I do not know that the practices presented here can provide the same guarantee.

As to where one may go for further study go to for information on purchasing books about Tantric Kriya Yoga practice, receiving mentoring in Tantric Kriya Yoga and Tantric Kriya Yoga Sacred Sexuality.

Last edited by russ on Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:23am; edited 2 times in total.

To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
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Immortality - eternal orgasm is within you    Posted: April 3, 2005 Reply with quote

The idea of physical immortality has fascinated and motivated humans to discover the secret pathways of their entire body /mind system which lead to the tapping into and assimilating of the sublime energies of the universe. This intercourse with the Universe is the basis for becoming one with God Energy while consciously and fully in the body otherwise known as THE BLISS STATE.

Since sexual energy is the basis for all energy in our body/ mind and sexual release is the closest to opening to the BLISS STATE OF BEING we are capable of accessing in our unenlightened state, the utilization and amplification of sexual enrgy as preparation for and ultimate immersion in God Energy is a very logical and effective practice for "acclimatising " our body to increasingly subtler and potent energies without being either worn down or killed ,but rather have it's life holding capacity increased to becoming infinite and therefore immortal.

This is the focus of the sacred sexuality practices of Tantric Kriya Yoga, Taoism, and seminal disciple ship to Christ Jesus{ as opposed to Christianity as presently expressed} in the East, and The Science of Alchemy as expressed by Theosophy, Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism in the west. Each of these practices"s and philosophies"s expressed goal is physical immortality.

The immortal mortal , yogi of yogis, fully ascended and simultaneously fully incarnated God Being known as BABAJI is the foremost exponent and expression of physical immortality. He is also the originator of "The Cobra Breath" transmission of Tantric Kriya Yoga practice which is the activating force for acclerated evolution through the safe and sane awakening and rising of the Kundalini Energy all the way to the pineal/ pituitary gland "cradle in the manger" of our brain also known as" being trans formed by the renewing of your mind" as expressed by Paul in his letters to the Corinthians of the New Testament of the Christian bible.

It is impossible to describe this experience as it is totally unique for each of us and any description is useless to prepare anyone else for how their experience of this awakening and becoming will play out.


I will present extensive explanations, with references, of my personal experiences in practices of :Tantric Kriya Yoga, Seminal Discipleship of Christ Jesus as presented in I Corinthians chapter 15, and The Schools of Alchemy in the West : Rosicrucianism, Theosophy, and Freemasonry{all known as "keepers of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings" as presented and fully lived by Jesus "The Christ"}, in future posts here .

All of these practices and philosophies are focused expressly upon Attaining physical immortality as well as expressly increasing one's enjoyment of being in the body while traveling the Cosmos of Being in God.

PLEASE PARTICIPATE : share your experiences/questions /disbelief/ challenges/inspirations / aggravations/shock/disgust/ and Oh Wow! feelings .

In pleasure, ecstasy, and BLISS,
Russ "The Lunatic Lover"

P.S. "You can get as stinkin' from thinkin' as you can from drinkin'
BUT THE FEEL IS FOR REAL" Murshid [ Sufi Master] Samuel
Lewis quoted from "This is the New Age in Person"

To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
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my teacher & experience    Posted: April 7, 2005 Reply with quote

I was called to the spiritual life by my Master , Earl "Father Paul" Blighton, in the winter of 1972 in Boston Massachusetts. He lead me to a small bookstore in Cambridge Mass where I purchased a book titled: "The Golden Force" { available from : }. This book written by him and much more importantly Father Paul himself changed my life and I NEVER MET HIM FACE TO FACE ! I was a member of a spiritual brotherhood formed by him known as The Holy Order of Mans. This man KNEW ME TO THE CORE, accepted me as his student, and along with Christ Jesus and others has continually been active in my life, whether I knew it or not, and still is.

I was blessed to be called by a true Master who taught what he called: 'The Middle Way' - a direct path up the montaintop to GOD REALIZATION as opposed to the equally effective but much slower way of either MYSTICISISM of the East {yoga} or the OCCULTISM of the West {Alchemy of Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry} "The Middle Way" a collection of Father Pauls writings and lectures on various subjects gives an extremely vivid picture of this Teaching { available from} . Those of us blessed to have lived the PRACTICE he taught have been changed forever and know the TRUTH of his method.

Like ALL true MASTERS, Father Paul emphasied EXPERIENCE. One gains experience by DOING not by reading, studying, or listening only. The only way to find out if something is effective FOR YOU is by DOING IT- "LIVING THE PRACTICE". It doesn't matter what it is, sacred sex , hang gliding, or knowing God. Whatever your choice you both have to do it AND make it your own, for it to WORK for you.

I speak ONLY from my expereience which is both vast and deep. The only way you will KNOW anything is by DOING IT. Read and study all you want but that is not KNOWING* and it often leads to "paralysis by analysis" the inability to do anything because you have so much information that you cannot move. ANYONE THIS WAY OR KNOW SOMEONE WHO IS? The solution is simple: stop thinking, get off your butt, AND JUST START DOING IT !! What have you REALLY got to lose?

Your answer to this question will give you MUCH TO DO because your answer reveals your attachments ,prejudices, and FEAR so you might as well be honest with yourself by asking the question and MORE IMPORTANTLY really listening to your answer.

Remember friends "You can get as stinkin' from thinkin' as you can from drinkin' but the feel is for real" You get "the feel" of the practice by DOING the practice. I cannot emphasise this enough as we live in a time when being able to talk about something is equated with knowing about something.

Money talks and bullcrap walks. You've either "got it" or you're a pretender. Do you have it , are you getting it or are you a "all show and no go"- a pretender? The only person your answer will ultimately matter to is YOU, not me, not Jesus and not God. YOU and ONLY YOU.

So ask loudly and listen closely. Your happiness in this lifetime is in the balance.

* Knowing comes from a 3 fold ACTION :assumption, comprehension, realization.... Assumption: assume and act as if it is true, Comprehension: practice brings EXPERIENCE. YOU WILL UNDERSTAND IF IT IS TRUE OR NOT for you. Realization: KNOWING it is true , BEING THE TRUTH of the practice, AND leading others to assumption, comprehension, and REALIZATION of the TRUTH OF THE PRACTICE.

Last edited by russ on Wed Apr 27, 2005 5:31am; edited 3 times in total.

To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
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Christianity    Posted: April 7, 2005 Reply with quote

The Original Teachings of Christ Jesus have a potency to transform lives that the "Christianity" of today is SORELY lacking. Jesus "The Christ" and God The Father/Mother as REAL BEINGS available and accessible to ANY and ALL were the sole focus of Father Paul's life . Bringing ernest and dedicated seekers of God into DIRECT, DEEPLY PERSONAL , and UNDENIABLE EXPERIENCE of the initiatory way : ILLUMINATION,SELF REALIZATION and GOD REALIZATION is still his mission as a member of THE GREAT WHITE BROTHERHOOD- eternal servants of CHRIST "after the Order of Melchizedek" CHRIST JESUS is the HIGH PRIEST of this ETERNAL and UNIVERSAL PRIESTHOOD

The seminal { life giving original} power of the teaching of Jesus "The Christ" is realized by DOING : "take up your cross -your body- AND FOLLOW ME"- Put me to the test of personal experience by DOING AS I DO . The Gospels of the Christian New Testament are a record of WHAT JESUS 'THE CHRIST' DID and of what those who DO AS HE DOES will do also "and even greater because I go to The Father". Jesus "The Christ" IS AWESOME and REAL but not "Special*" in the sense that he did something we can never even hope to do. Jesus who became "the Christ" has demonstrated that the WAY is FOR ALL who say "YES" and DO AS HE still DOES because HE IS STILL VERY MUCH ALIVE and serving ALL MANKIND whether or not anyone believes he even really existed let alone did what is recorded in both the "canonical" and "apocryphal"{sic]

The express goal of the teachings of Jesus "The Christ" is REALIZATION of our ETERNAL GOD SELF. We are already eternal and enlightened we simply do not assume , comprehend or realize that we are eternal and capable of physical immortality if we choose.

*The specific Messianic Mission which Jesus undertook is very special indeed. Jesus "The Christ" lived out "the initiatory way" and his life is the story of initiation which all souls must undergo in returning to the Father/Mother as little children with full realization of our creative being. Jesus The Christ overcame death and reopened the gates of paradise which man closed in incarnating.

I refer to The Master"s victory as "dancing in the face of death and laughing at the devil" . The Victory of Christ is for ALL and we all must face and overcome both death and the devil in our journey of return to the garden of infinite delight and bliss. I choose to laugh and dance as did Lord Krishna, Lord Jesus and Babaji . Anyone else going this way? ALL ABOARD The express train to our true SELF /GOD.

Last edited by russ on Wed Apr 27, 2005 6:01am; edited 4 times in total.

To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
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The submergence of THE TRUTH in the west    Posted: April 8, 2005 Reply with quote

The first 3 centuries of Discipleship to Christ { being a Christian} were very dangerous times for believers as PURSECUTION and DEATH were the price / risk of being a CHRISTIAN if one were apprehended by the authorities. The Disciples went literally undergound , into the subterranean tombs -The Catacombs- of Rome and other major cities, in order to avoid persecution and imprisonment/death while practicing and worshipping.

With the ascendence of Constantine the Great as ruler of the empire "Christianity " became acceptable and the decline of the potency of the "transmission" of Christ Jesus began as the inner realities of the "initiatory path" became a public liability . The Church hierarchy banished the initaitors -The Masters- and the "Inner Teaching " of initiation and eternal life/ immortality "esoteric Christianity" was forced underground.

The Masters had to develope a simple, easily hidden in plain view, means of preserving and perpetuating the reality of INITIATION. Their solution was both ingenious and very effective assuring that "THE ANCIENT and ETERNAL MYSTERIES" of accelerated evolution through INNER SPIRITUAL WORK be both preserved and available to the ERNEST SEEKER .

Thus the TAROT was brought into being as a pictorial "book" of THE PATHWAY OF INITIATION. { The 22 card deck of the Major arcana, a coloring guide and companion book "Jewels of the Wise" which articulates the Teaching pictured on the cards is available from }. The keepers of the TAROT and thus "The Ancient AND Eternal Mysteries" of accelerated evolution through INITIATION were a nomadic and hated group known as THE GYPSIES. The path of initiation was out pictured on A DECK OF CARDS and taught by the Gypsies who carried the TEACHING throughout the Roman Empire. This Teaching is the very same as originally taught by Jesus "The Christ" and his immediate disciples, "Apostles" ,BOTH MEN and WOMEN .

The "Ancient Mysteries" have been preserved in the WEST by the Alchemical Schools of INITIATION: Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry. {Again the seminal energy which established these Schools is now gone and a "shell" of fraternal organization is left in it's place}. The highest initiate of the Schools of Alchemy is a God- Being known as Saint Germain. Christ Jesus is Univerally Acknowledged as the High Priest of the Alchemical Schools and Saint Germain is the exponent of the Alchemical Process of "turning base metal -earth our body- into Gold" The Realization of physical immortality AND eternal life. This is the essence of the "ancient and eternal mysteries", Tantric Kriya Yoga AND Seminal Discpleship to Christ .

A Russian mystic known as Madame Blavatsky articulated and renewed the inner teaching through THEOSOPHY which is resonant with the Teachings of The Siddahs of Southern India whose highest Iinitiate is the Being known as Babaji - YOGI of YOGIS - the immortal mortal.

Babaji is real. For an in depth look at him and the Siddah Tradition from which he arose see "Babaji and the Eighteen Siddah Kriya Yoga Tradition "available from . You can also learn more about this enigmatic and mysterious God Being in "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda who was the first to bring the Kriya Yoga Tradition to the West.

Last edited by russ on Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:28am; edited 3 times in total.

To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
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tantric kriya Yoga Fast track to BEING    Posted: April 17, 2005 Reply with quote

All practices such as Sacred Sexuality have THE POTENTIAL to bring one to this ENLIGHTENMENT over much time which is fine for many if not most people.

For those who earnestly choose a much more accelerated growth path within the context of Sacred Sexuality, the Cobra Breath Initiation of Tantric Kriya Yoga is THE WAY. Tantric Kriya Yoga has been taken to it's highest fulfillment by Babaji who has granted "The Cobra Breath". as the means of accessing his Being and Teaching.

ANYONE who seeks this accelerated evolutionary tool may receive it upon proper preparation. Contact for further information on Tantric Kriya Yoga mentoring and Cobra Breath Initiation. See also and for training and initiation in the Kriya Yoga of Babaji and the Siddahs.

Last edited by russ on Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:33am; edited 3 times in total.

To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
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Kriya Yoga - not the same in South Africa    Posted: February 28, 2006 Reply with quote

russ said:
ANYONE who seeks this accelerated evolutionary tool may receive it upon proper preparation. Contact for further information on Tantric Kriya Yoga mentoring and Cobra Breath Initiation

I went to, and found that Bodhi Avinasha, the teacher there is Bodhi Avinasha, once an Osho Sannyasin, same lineage as myself. If am intrigued by this, and your comments on Kriya Yoga, on account of a recent experience which touched my small school in South Africa.

A Dakini of my school got together with a student of the Kriya tradition here. She'd been studying with me for a year at the time. He'd been going to the Yoga classes for several years, occasionally having private sessions with the teacher.

In terms of technique, the fellow was OK, but very judgemental. Objected to my Dakini doing healing work for pay, saying that his teachet NEVER charges, because that destroys the value of the teaching and like nonsense. Hypocritical too, if it really came from his teacher, as she "doesn't charge for tantra" but only goes there with long-time students of her (expensive) regular Yoga classes.

This attitude came as a surprise, and provoked much debate, helped awareness among the school members. What also revealed in time was, sure he can sing a hymn in Sanskrit, can manage some asanas, and is occasionally conscious in his sexuality, and intellectually has an understanding (one dinner with his parents, he defended sex workers eloquently, telling his mother and sister that judgement was inapropriate because "it's all love".). All great, but (a big BUT) deeper than the surface intellect, time revealed that he was mired in the Judao-Christian mindest and couldn't actually handle his beloved's openness elsewhere. Had a fundamental unwillingness to confront his deeper, more authentic mindset. The "seeker" qualities were just a surface thing, the current spiritual "cool". She eventually had to "break up" with him, the cause of which is still quite beyond his understanding.

When it comes to teachers and lineages, I tend to take a "know them by their fruits" approach. Osho's sannyasins tend to impress me with their depth of awareness, their sincerity. I've worked with students of the 2 other (male) tantra teachers I know of in SA, and, mostly, I like their work (or it's results). I send students of mine to them when it seems appropriate.

It's rare for me to come accross someone who's been taught all the right words, but has none of it integrated into their experience - especially after a few years ongoing work! The surprise is that 1 - no movement, on a real level, in the student, and 2 - a shocking lack of discernment displayed in teaching such an unconscious fellow in the first place. Fellows like that are less dangerous to themselves and others when left alone.

So - I've had a jaundiced view of Kriya Yoga, and am glad to see it's not as dead a lineage as I've seen locally - teaching pasha shallow stuff for profit.

Thanks for your posts here. Your path looks like it has a much more devotional way than mine (perfectly good, devotion for some, love for some, and advaita - my thing - for some). Thanks for the sharing, Russ and the hint that there's more to Kriya Yoga than I've seen so far. I look forward to more postings from you.

Love, however it looks.

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    Posted: March 1, 2006 Reply with quote

Thank You for your generosity of opinion of me ! I was Initiated By Babaji directlly. He is the Originator of The Synergistic Blending of Tantra and Kriya into Tantric Kriya Yoga which is the most accelerated vehicle for Spiritual - Physical Evolution yet devised By THE MASTERS OF BEING and available in Earth .
I have well over a hundred posts here Rahasah { go to the Members page click on Russ and when my page opens click on "find all posts by Russ " and they will open chronologically } I no longer do Daka work as I am focused full time in Spiritual Teaching Counseling and Healing but I do check in here periodically and respond to ALL private messages and emails sent to me here . I am available to private students located ANYWHERE in the world as long as they have email and a phone to call me , in case you may choose to develope a Master -Disciple Relationship.
Rehven a.k.a. Russ

To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
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Kriya Yoga -not the same in South Africa    Posted: May 6, 2006 Reply with quote

Beloved Rahasya,
The contrast of your experience of the sanyassins of Osho anf the Kriya Yoga teacher points up the difference between a disciple of a True Master and one who merely has infornmation about a Spiritual Practice . Osho was a Fully Enlightened Master, a Fountain Gushing Wisdom as exemplified in Key 9 of The Tarot, The Hermit . luv Osho's sanyassins literally "breathed in " his vibration , his Consciousness and were transformed by The One Master. who was free to Fully Express through him . Very Happy The Kriya Yoga teacher was not so fortunate; and so, even though his study may very well have been quite extensive, he himself was not "transformed by the renewing of his mind " he had no Experience of being in the Presence of The Gnosis which is THE ONLY transformer.
The Kriya Tradition is alive and well and expressing through the sanyassins of Osho, and Babaji himself, who brought The Full Transmission of The Gnosis of The Tantric Kriya Yoga Tradition of Babaji and The Siddahs to The West ,according to their Spiritual Realization/ Direct Personal Experience of God/ Gnosis .and their particular Calling to Express IT . Shock
The Gnosis is ALWAYS available , only those enter into IT who are unwilling to settle for information/knowledge about IT and surrender to Direct Personal Experience of IT . !!! For these ones , The Master Teacher ALWAYS is brought into their Direct Personal Experience or as the saying goes : 'When the disciple is ready, The Master appears in their life." Cool Silly me! Shock
In Bliss/ The Being of The One.

To be loved deeply by someone gives you strength, to love someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu
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