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July 4, 2009 - Society for Sacred Sexuality Turns Five

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Gary Joseph
SSS Founder

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July 4, 2009 - Society for Sacred Sexuality Turns Five    Posted: July 4, 2009 Reply with quote

Dear Friends of the Society for Sacred Sexuality,

As some of you may know, July 4 is the anniversary founding of the Society for Sacred Sexuality -- known to us as Sexual Freedom Day. Today we are 5 years old!

When I founded the Society for Sacred Sexuality in 2004, I envisioned a worldwide community of practitioners and teachers, sharing online to lay the foundation for a true global sacred sex society. Today, we have nearly 3,000 members in 62 countries on every continent -- a very real step toward creating that world. As you might expect, North America is well represented, and virtually every nation in Europe has members as well. Australia and South Africa also have strong contingents. But to show how the vision of sacred sex society transcends cultural boundaries, I want to mention just a few of the other nations of our world family with citizens that share this vision.

India, with its age-old Tantra tradition, is of course with us in numbers. But I am equally thrilled that she brings her neighbors Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. China, with her own Taoist sacred sex tradition, joins us, along with her Oriental neighbors Japan, Korea, Thailand, and Cambodia. Rounding out our Pacific family are Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, New Zealand, and the Philippines. To the north of Asia, a sizeable group keeps great Mother Russia warm through sacred sex. In the hot Middle East - where goddess Inanna once performed the Hieros Gamos sex ritual, and where Ashera consorted with YHWH, and Isis shared sexual secrets with pharaohs - SSS members from Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Bahrain, and Kuwait fan the flames of passion with sacred sex. From out of Africa, where the great Mother Goddess gave birth to us all, members from Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique lead a new birth -- of sacred sex society. And coming full circle west, Mexico, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, and Honduras add latin flair to 'sexo sagrado'.

Much has been done in these 5 years to set sacred sex society on strong footing. My focus has been giving expression to sacred sex wisdom, which is the basis for sacred sex practice, which blossoms into sacred sex society. I feel we have done well. The core lessons are complete, the world's largest archive of sacred sex art, text, and scripture is compiled, a 'Declaration of Sexual Independence' - written July 4, 2004 to coincide with America's political Declaration of Independence - stands as a beacon of light for freedom of sexual expression for all future generations, and many more sacred sex offerings all grace a beautiful website.

Despite all our achievements however, I consider the Society for Sacred Sexuality to be still in its infancy -- not so much in what we offer, but in our public impact. So as our 5-year anniversary approached, I've reflected on what we've accomplished and what more we can do to hasten sacred sex society.

What has come to mind is a teaching approach with broader appeal. Knowledge and wisdom are great - and needed - but let's face it, we'd all rather enjoy sacred sex than read, write, and talk about it! For me personally, writing out the lessons has been something of a challenge as well, albeit a joyful one. My expansive, creative, and conceptual mind often resists the task of structured writing. Plus, once I start, the lessons seem to take a life of their own, running on and on, as lesson readers have no doubt noticed(!) All this has meant much slower progress than I had hoped, and a desire to speed the process.

I also realize that SSS members may have a similar experience. Many of you came to the website inspired by the vision and knowledge, and also by the promise to learn sacred sex in a simple way. The lessons ARE simple, and presented in an easy-to-learn way, but something about reading itself is not conducive to learning sacred sex. Engaging the intellect in words is a 'male' activity -- structured and ordered. What is missing from that is the flowing, sensual female energy. Feminine energy arouses the desire - the passion - to WANT to learn sacred sex. Without it, desire to learn and continue with your practice may wane, especially in the male-oriented workaholic world of today.

So I believe there's a need for a more sensory and sensual teaching, one that engages the senses in a fluid, creative, feminine way, and also allows for a more personalized and interactive flow between teacher and student. While the internet is no substitute for the whole-body sensory stimulation of real sacred sex, it does engage one sense intimately tied to sexual arousal -- sight. Through erotic imagery, we can stimulate the most powerful sex organ of all - your mind - evoking the desire and passion to learn & practice sacred sex. In short, I want to create a teaching that more closely resembles the personal, sensual, one-on-one guidance of a daka or dakini (male or female sacred sex teacher).

Teaching will be offered in a range of methods and styles, from meditatively modest to highly explicit and erotic, from basic instructive to nurturing & supportive to fetish-like domineering, all according to user preference. Both learning and continuing practice modes will be included.

This will of course be a major project so I've put no time-frame on it, but I strongly believe it is the best next step in bringing sacred sex to the entire world. My intent all along has been to create simple lessons that anyone can access worldwide and that inspire passion to learn, and then actively promote them. This will give anyone who wishes to learn sacred sex the opportunity, regardless of social and cultural restrictions. It also creates the desire to do so.

Aside from new sacred sex lessons, I have also decided on a new format for secondary lessons on the site. Rather than continuous text, I will offer a string of 'jewels of sacred sex wisdom' for each topic. Users will be able to read and absorb these quickly, more suited to today's busy attention-span-challenged world. It also better suits the way my mind works, allowing me to complete the lessons more quickly. For those who are unaware, there are still close to 100 unwritten lessons in my vision of complete sacred sex wisdom. So again, this will allow me to get through that much quicker.

I believe we can achieve all this in 1-2 years. While that may seem like a distant goal, in the long-run it will pave the way for rapid future expansion. All of our growth over these past 5 years - and internet traffic continues to steadily rise - has been through word of mouth and search engine response, with little active promotion. I have been waiting until site content is mostly done so that promotional activities don't distract from that work. With deep wisdom oozing with erotic appeal, the Society for Sacred Sexuality will be ready to burst onto the scene in the coming years.

This then, is my vision. Since this is a major plan for the Society for Sacred Sexuality, I want to inform all members of it. I invite your comments, suggestions, and ideas, both on my vision and your own for our SSS community and sacred sex society.

The Society for Sacred Sexuality was founded July 4, 2004 to bring sexual freedom to the world. Today, five years later, the need for sexual freedom - true freedom through Divine Sacred Union - is as great as ever. And today we recommit ourselves to letting that freedom ring.

You can read more about our founding and Sexual Freedom Day here.

May all your sacred sex be filled with fireworks,

Gary Joseph
Founder, Society for Sacred Sexuality

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