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About SSS Founder, Gary Joseph

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Gary Joseph
SSS Founder

Joined: 16 Jun 2004
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About SSS Founder, Gary Joseph    Posted: August 6, 2004 Reply with quote

About Gary Joseph

Gary Joseph is a life-long spiritual seeker. He began meditative practices at the age of 17, and lived for 10 years in a retreat environment. In 1987, mid-way through his stay there, he had an awakening that, while prepared for by meditation, was unexpectedly triggered by outward activity. In his case, the new activity was work in the healing arts.

The experience taught him that awakening is as much an external phenomenon as an internal one. This is because as spiritual beings we have a reason for living - a unique life-purpose for which we are born - and when we outwardly align with that special destiny, it resonates with our true inner nature and triggers awakening. Healing work, at the time, was such an activity for him.

Alongside a subjective glimpse of enlightenment, he was surprised by new experiences in the objective world as well: his inner desires met with external responses from people, world events, the animal kingdom, and the rest of the natural world. The universe, he learned, is aware of thoughts and reacts to them. On a small scale or in isolated instances, people variously describe or dismiss such phenomena as mere coincidence, 'dumb luck', the work of guardian angels, or in popular new age terminology, synchronicities.

However, Joseph points to the phenomenon, that in his experience shows itself as a comprehensive intelligence that continuously shapes and evolves all of life, as objective proof of a universal mind guiding the cosmos.

It is a mind of which we are a part, and that we connect to and interact with through our own heart and mind. He likens the many lives on earth to islands in the sea -- on the surface they appear separate, but deep down beneath the water they are all joined in a collective landmass. That collective or universal mind is what we refer to as 'God', but that is just a religious term; humanists may simply call it universal mind or consciousness. (Joseph points out that it goes beyond mind; it also consciously pervades and works through the inanimate, 'mindless' world.)

Whatever its name, our connection to that is through our heart's desire. Universal mind reveals each life purpose through the desires of that individual's heart. Innocently acting upon desires - not judging, belittling, demonizing, or repressing them - triggers awakening to our spiritual nature. It is a nature that is already laid out for us, and when we take it up, nature joins in a co-creative relationship to unfold it.

Most surprisingly, Joseph discovered that this positive response from nature pertains to ALL desires, including seemingly trivial or mundane ones, and the sexual desires he had set aside in his spiritual pursuits. "From this I learned that every small desire, every quirk and idiosyncrasy, every tiny thing that makes us unique - even those we often berate ourselves for, or label as bad or 'sinful' - every idea, hope, dream, and vision we have for ourselves and our world, is part of an overall plan, to be cherished, honored, and acted upon", Joseph says. Moreover, he asserts that everyone can live this experience and realize its truth for themselves. "It is our birthright and destiny, and what all evolution leads to."

In his case, sexual desires led him to discover and explore, then practice and teach, sacred sexuality. While he has studied & learned from other sacred sex teachers and is schooled in various eastern & western methods of practice, he credits his many years of personal experience and universal guidance as his true mentor. His teaching aims to lead others to their own awakening, and is stripped bare of the misconceptions, unfounded moralizing, and needless struggles often associated with all things spiritual.

He teaches sex that is simple, natural, fun, as sensual as desired -- and sacred.

On July 4, 2004, he founded the Society for Sacred Sexuality, at age 44.

Gary Joseph is available to the press and public for personal interviews, public speaking & events, and other engagements, but he requests that, because of the new subject matter and strong, preconceived notions people have of spirituality and sexuality, users first visit our Learning Center to become familiar with sacred sex ideas. If you are inquiring about the Society's initiative to legalize sacred sex instruction by certified teachers for hire, please first read all press materials related to this issue as background.

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